18 septiembre, 2024

Headless Architecture: the new trend in CMS –

The Headless architecture in a CMS is a new trend in web programming that has gained strength worldwide for more than a year. Currently there are few web developments that have opted for this architecture, but every day its potential is discovered and we begin to migrate towards this solution.

To visually understand how it works, we have held a webinar given by Jesús Cuesta from Deloitte, where we discovered the ins and outs of this technology and how to successfully bring it to our projects, which you can see later.

What is a CMS?

Before seeing what is headless architecture in CMSwe will see what these acronyms refer to.

A CMS is a content management system (Content Management System) focused on web development. Currently on the market there are different CMS options, but the most used in the world is WordPress.

Most CMS are built in PHP, and this has made many companies choose not to use them since they consider that this language is not a powerful solution, For this reason, CMS built with Java and JavaScript have begun to appear.

How does a CMS work?

This system helps people who have minimal programming knowledge, or even know nothing about code, to create content and make web pages. Taking this as a basis, The operation of a CMS begins with the content creators which may be of different profiles such as writers, editors, graphic designers, among others…

The created content is uploaded to a repository within the CMS, which is sent to the site administrators to be published so it can reach the end user. This is the type of traditional architecture that CMS like WordPress or Drupal follow.

New needs for a CMS

CMS generally have backend and frontend integrated, which for companies such as banks and insurance companies, generates a cybersecurity risk. This has led to a search for a solution that, on the one hand have the content creation ease of a CMSand on the other the independence of elements of its own development.

Another need is both rendering speed and SEO optimization. CMSs have thousands of lines of code that are not even useful for different companies, which ultimately has a negative impact on the loading speed of the sites.

How does a CMS with Headless architecture work?

What is headless architecture? The new programming needs have brought the Headless architecture or system, which It is based on the connection of the website with other services through API.

In this way, the new architecture begins with the content creators, who upload their material to the CMS or Content Hub, and thanks to an API, This content is distributed to different platforms such as a website, mobile app or social networks.

The headless architecture optimize resources within web projects, and also helps separate the backend and frontend of a CMS using different APIs.

Is it possible to have Headless architecture and traditional architecture on a website?

There is a new type of architecture, called Decoupled, which mixes traditional architecture with the Headless architecture system. It is recommended for companies that currently manage a traditional architecture and want to begin a progressive migration towards Headless. In this architecture, the traditional CMS continues to be maintained with its backend and frontend integration in some services, and In parallel, other platforms are integrated into other services through APIs.

Now it is time to bring this headless architecture to your CMS, and for this, here we leave you a practical exercise to integrate WordPress content into an application built in Angular.

Every day web development has new tools that will enhance your developments to another level, as is the case of Headless architecture. To master all this and become a Full Stack Web Developer Discover our Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp! or if you want to specialize in another branch of programming, check out our bootcamps:

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