25 julio, 2024

Flora and fauna of Tabasco: most representative species

The flora and fauna of Tabasco It is represented by species such as the corozo, the rubber, the pejelagarto and the ocellated turkey, among others. Tabasco is a state of Mexico located in the southeast of the country.

In this region it rains abundantly during most of the year. This favors the existence of the tropical forest, which covers most of this state. Also in that area there are abundant rivers, wetlands and small lakes.

The relief of Tabasco is flat and low, with the exception of some high areas that are to the south of the territory. The tributaries of the Usumacinta and Grijalva rivers create fertile soils, suitable for agriculture.

Tabasco Flora

corozo (Attalea cohune)

This palm, which is part of the Arecaceae family, is found from Mexico to Colombia. In Mexico it is located in the states of Nayarit, Tabasco, Sinaloa, Colima, and Michoacán, among others. The corozo grows on sandy soils, with access to groundwater.

The height of this plant ranges between 3 and 15 meters. The stems are dark gray and grow solitary. In addition, they measure from 30 to 50 centimeters in diameter.

The leaves are dark green, compound and alternate, however, they are grouped at the upper end of the stem. Likewise, they are recurved at the apex and have a length of up to 9 meters. They have long pinnules, evenly distributed along the entire length of the rachis.

Regarding the inflorescences, they occur in solitary panicles, with an approximate length of 1.5 meters. They are initially born in an erect position, but later, due to the weight of the fruits, they become pendulous. In these are a large number of small yellow flowers, with a peduncular bract.

The fruits are ovoid or elliptical in shape. They are rusty in color, but when ripe they turn greenish brown.

Rubber (elastic castile)

The rubber tree is a monopodic tree that belongs to the Moraceae family. It is native to Mexico and Central America. It is located in the jungles that are up to 780 m asl

The height of this species ranges from 20 to 25 meters. The trunk is straight, with an approximate diameter of 60 centimeters. The branches grow horizontally, separated from each other and are S-shaped. They are hairy and thick.

The gray-brown bark is smooth, although it may have some fissures. In addition, it has protruding lenticels, arranged in horizontally oriented lines.

The leaves have a wavy margin, are thick and simple. The limb is 20 to 45 centimeters long and 10 to 20 centimeters wide. The upper side is dark green, while the underside is yellowish green.

The male flowers have a large number of stamens and grow in clusters, in groups of 4. The female flowers are sessile and are found in solitary clusters. They have a fleshy calyx, are densely pubescent, and greenish-yellow. LThe fruits are cartilaginous, surrounded by a vermilion or orange perianth.

Miconia (Miconia calvescens)

Miconia is a small shrub, native to the American rain forests. At present it is considered one of the most destructive invasive species, because it displaces native plants, threatening them with extinction.

The height of this plant is between 6 and 12 meters, presenting vertical and thin stems. When they are young they have small hairs, they are quadrangular in shape and greenish in color. However, when they are ripe, they become rounded and brown.

The leaves are large and opposite, measuring between 60 and 70 centimeters in length. They have an obovate or elliptical shape, with 3 parallel veins that run from the base to the tip. The upper part is a dark shade of green, while the lower part is iridescent purple.

The flowers are numerous and small, forming groups at the terminal tips of the branches. They have five white or pink petals and five sepals, measuring between 1 and 3 millimeters. The inflorescence is a panicle, where 1,000 to 3,000 flowers are displayed, thus making miconia an attractive ornamental plant.

Other species of flora

cedar (cedrela odorata). Mahogany (Swietenia humilis). red stick (Guateria).
ceiba (Ceiba).
Bari (Calophyllum). Royal palm (Roystonea oleracea). Breadfruit tree (Brossimum).
Flying (Vochysiaceae).

Tabasco wildlife

Lizardfish (atractosteus tropicus)

This actinopterygian fish is one of the members of the Lepisosteidae family. It is a freshwater species, which is distributed in estuaries, rivers, lagoons and wetlands, from Mexico to Costa Rica.

The alligator gar has an elongated and robust body, reaching a length of up to 125 centimeters and a weight of 29 kilograms. The muzzle is long and broad, with a conical shape. In the front area of ​​this are the nostrils. Large fangs are found in each jaw, in the upper one there are two rows of these and in the lower one there is one row.

It has large, flattened gill rakers. Those that form the first gill arch are intricate on the upper edge. The fins are spineless. The pectoral is in the lower part of the flank, while the pelvics are in the central area of ​​the body.

The caudal fin is fan-shaped and covered with bony scales on top. The body is covered with large, strong, rhomboid scales. These are attached to each other by a union similar to a peg.


In the adult state, the gaspar, as it is also known atractosteus tropicus, is brown or dark brown, with dark spots on the upper part. Along the flanks a dark stripe can be distinguished.

When the species is young, it is dark above and light below. In addition, it has a dark stripe on the flanks and another across the belly, from the operculum to the tail.

ocellated turkey (Meleagris ocellata)

The ocellated turkey is a galliform bird that is part of the Phasianidae family. It is an endemic species of the Yucatan peninsula, including the states of Chiapas, Tabasco, Yucatan, Quintana Roo, and Campeche. In addition, it is found in Guatemala and Belize.

The length of this animal is between 70 and 90 centimeters. The male can weigh 4 kilograms, while the female reaches 3 kilograms.

In both sexes, the coloration of the feathers is the product of the mixture between iridescent green and bronze color. However, females may have duller tones, with a greater tendency towards green.

Regarding the caudal feathers, they are bluish-grey, with a circle similar to an eye, of a grayish-blue color. In addition, they have a bronze-blue spot near the tip, ending in bright gold.

The head is blue, with some red or orange warts, much more prominent in males. These have a blue flesh, in the shape of a crown, where the nodules that exist on the head are also found.

The legs are a deep red color and, in adults, the presence of spurs that could measure from 3.8 to 5 centimeters is observed.

Although the wild turkey, as this species is also known, can fly short distances, it prefers to run to escape danger. The male emits a kind of chirp during mating, while the female produces a cackle, with weak sounds.

striped iguana (Ctenosaura similis)

This iguanid is the largest species of the genus Ctenosaura. Likewise, it is considered one of the fastest lizards on planet Earth, thus reaching a speed of 35 km/h.

Its distribution extends from Panama to the isthmus of Tehuantepec, in Mexico. However, it has been introduced to several Caribbean islands and to Florida, and also to Colombia.

The striped iguana has a gular sac, which is highly developed. Its limbs are muscular and robust. This species has a length, from the snout to the cloaca, between 27.5 and 35 centimeters. The tail can be up to twice the body length.

The body is covered with scales. Those on the back are small and somewhat overlapping, while those that cover the extremities are keeled and larger.

On the dorsal line it has a row of elongated spines, which extend from the head to the caudal area. In males they are larger and more noticeable than in females.

The tail has rings, made up of spiny scales. These are separated by lines of small scales.

coloring and feeding

As for the coloration, the hatchlings have a greyish-brown tone, with some dark spots. In the adult state, they are light gray or bronze in color, with dark bands running from the dorsal to the caudal region.

On the other hand, the young are insectivorous, while the adults can eat stems, leaves and fruits. Also, they could feed on birds, fish and some rodents.

Other wildlife

Jaguar (panthera onca). Ocelot (Leopardus pardalis). Spider monkey (Ateles fusciceps). cochimonte (Sus scrofa domestica).
Toco toucan (Ramphastos toco). Macaw (Ara militaris mexicanus). Quetzal (Pharomachrus).
Whitetail deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Howler Monkey (Alouatta pigra). porcupine (Erethizon dorsatum).


Species profile: Miconia calvescens. Retrieved from iucngisd.org.
Ctenosaura similis. Systematics and natural history of some amphibians and reptiles from Mexico. Retrieved from conabio.gob.mx.
Tabasco Geography. Retrieved from es.wikipedia.org.
Tabasco, state, Mexico. Recovered from britannica.com.
Tabasco. Retrieved from nationsencyclopedia.

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