26 julio, 2024

Exercise: summation in functions in Excel

Do you know how to add functions in Excel? In this post we explain it to you!

As in all programs, we need functions for the sum between data and other types of elements. Thus, it is clear that Excel must have a large number of options to perform the sum, since it is the default spreadsheet, the one most used today. That’s why, Now we will tell you what summation in functions in Excel consists of from an exercise.

Summation in functions in Excel

If you find yourself in a situation where you have to add up many of the elements or data, Whether in a spreadsheet or in a programming language, Excel is the solution you are looking for. Therefore, below we will show you three of the functions that are used for summation in Excel. In this example, reference is made to the relationship between income, products and countries where they are manufactured.

Total income

To begin, we talk to you about the most basic summation function of the Microsoft Excel platform. This just gathers all the values ​​in a range and performs the sum. You could reproduce its use based on the formula in this exercise, which makes a total sum of all the values ​​in the income column.
= SUM (G6; G101)

Once this calculation function has been executed, you will find, in the same cell, the results of the total amount of income.

Add if

Since you have started with the most basic option that we have with the Excel desktop application, we are going to go one step further and talk about the function ADD IF. This is used when we want to condition the values ​​that we are going to gather into a single value. For example, if you need only values ​​greater than the average to be added, you must leave it established in the criteria of the formula.

In terms of the example in this post, the formula would look like this:

= SUMIF (G6;G101;» >700″; G6; G101)

As you can notice, the condition we have established is that the numbers to be added must be greater than 700.

When you have executed the function, you will obtain the result in the cell that you have previously established.

Add If Set

Finally, we find the function that brings together the two formulas that we have just seen; This is the SUM IF Set function. In this case, we are going to gather several criteria that are set according to the columns that we have established in the data table. Some of these columns are ITA for the country column and Cowboys for the products column.

The formula would be as follows: SUMIF SET (G6; G101; C6; C101; «ITA»; E6; E101; «jeans; D6; D101).

When you have executed the function, you will get the result in the same cell:

Keep learning with

Since you have finished reading this article, you now know how to execute the summation in functions in Excel from this exercise that we help you establish. Therefore, if you want to continue learning and become an expert in data scienceyou are welcome to sign up for our Digital Marketing and Data Analysis Bootcamp. Enter and advance on your learning path!

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