15 septiembre, 2024

Everyone can learn to program |

«Everyone can learn to program» Does it sound familiar to you? As is well taught in Ratatouille, Each one of us is capable of doing what we set out to do.how to learn programming and create development projects.

However, there is a significant lack of professional profiles related to programming, and not many hordes of people willing to learn to program. What is this about?

Yes, everyone can learn to program

It is believed that programming is a complex activity that requires the integration of many skills that «not everyone has.» Programming is nothing more than creating a recipe that allows a problem to be solved in such a detailed and simple way that even a computer can solve it.

Not many understand it, and we give you an example. In the movie «The Martian» (Mars in Spanish), Mark Watney is accidentally abandoned on Mars while his companions embark for Earth. The film is the story of his survival. There is a point at which the problem to be solved is how to communicate with Earth. Mark moves to the place where the “Mars Pathfinder” probe rests and manages to send this photo to Earth.

From Earth they point the camera of the Martian probe at «Yes«. Well, 32 minutes to Earth and 32 back and just yes and no questions. How to communicate?

This is the typical problem that motivates a programmer, how to use a camera that rotates 360 degrees and takes photos to communicate with people about 225 million kilometers away who have another camera like this? Watney thinks about photographing the letters of the alphabet but it is difficult because there are so many.

He keeps thinking and it occurs to him. «Hexadecimal!» She says, you will only have to use the numbers 0 to 9 and the letters A to F and you will be able to communicate with Earth.

Search through Beth Johanssen’s belongings and find a table of ASCII codes. You can use these hexadecimal values ​​to construct English sentences. He patiently sends photo sequences of those symbols to Earth in the hope that they will understand. Someone with computer skills understands and decodes it.

This is programming

This is programming, you have found a recipe that allows you to communicate better than with «yes» or «no.»

Later, NASA engineers send instructions for your Rover to communicate with the probe and from there a program that allows you to use the Rover’s interface to translate the input symbols on its control panel into photos of the probe. pathfinder and transmit them to the earth and carry out the opposite work.

This is professional programming. Transform an idea into a product that solves a problem.

Contrary to what it may seem, the barrier to entry in this profession is not the creation of the product. This path is well established and companies have no problem dedicating resources to training their junior employees in their way of building a product. The really limiting thing is the Hexadecimal! step, finding the recipe. So yes, everyone can learn to program, but you have to take the first step and that depends on each person.

To introduce our students to this area, we offer the bootcamp «Full Stack Jr. Bootcamp – Learn to program from scratch«, designed with this approach.

Its first three modules are designed to break the «Hexadecimal» barrier, learn the strategies and techniques that allow you to divide a problem into parts and create a comprehensive solution. The online katas and the final project are aimed at knowing enough about professional development so that companies consider hiring our students as juniors.

If you want to break the barrier to entry in this cool and rewarding profession, and you want to know more about our bootcamp to prove that, truly, everyone can learn to program, ask us for information!

You want to know more?

➡️Watch the briefing

➡️Watch the practical workshop

➡️Download the syllabus

➡️Meet the director of the Full Stack Jr. Bootcamp (Ramón Maldonado)

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