Direct communication: characteristics, types, advantages, examples

The direct communication It is a method of transmitting information in which the person clearly exposes his thoughts, ideas, opinions, feelings and emotions. When it occurs, the interlocutors know exactly what is happening at all times, and there are no hidden messages or hidden intentions between them.

Direct communication is very typical of some cultures, such as the western one, which value honesty and clarity above all else. It contrasts with indirect communication, in which the focus is on the well-being of all interlocutors and therefore the honesty of the message plays a more secondary role.

Although both types of communication can have both advantages and disadvantages, direct communication is generally considered to be much more effective in maintaining quality relationships and achieving goals involving other individuals. For this reason, social psychologists have thoroughly investigated how to promote and enhance this ability.

Direct communication is the most effective way to solve problems, propose solutions and find alternatives in complex situations. Conversely, hiding information or passing it on indirectly can greatly impede the ability of the parties involved to respond to a challenge.


Characteristics of direct communication

– Honesty is valued above all else

The most important characteristic of direct communication is the value that is placed on honesty in the transmission of information. When a person adopts this communicative model, he focuses on exchanging the most truthful messages possible with his interlocutor, in such a way that he understands what is happening as much as possible.

This contrasts with what happens in the indirect communication style, in which the focus is mainly on maintaining the emotional well-being of all those involved. As a consequence, people who adopt this style tend to hide information and misrepresent their message to avoid confrontation and trouble.

– They do not care about the feelings of the other

One of the main consequences of putting the honesty and clarity of the message above all else is that the interlocutors have to take responsibility for their own feelings.

On many occasions, what is communicated in a direct communication scenario is not pleasant, especially when it has to do with some kind of problem or crisis.

Due to this, in direct communication it is usually assumed that each of the interlocutors is responsible for managing their feelings and accepting the reality of each situation. To people not used to this communicative style, those who use it can seem rude or unpleasant.

In fact, individuals from cultures with a predominantly direct communication style often have a reputation for being rude, dry, or cutting. On the contrary, those who belong to a less confrontational culture tend to be more concerned with the feelings of their interlocutor than with the reality of a specific situation.

– Requires mutual agreement

One of the main problems with the direct communication style is that it requires the collaboration of all parties involved for it to work properly. If only one of the interlocutors hides information or does not transmit what he is thinking, it is impossible for the channels of communication to remain open.

On the other hand, all the people involved in a communicative process of this style have to actively listen to what their interlocutors transmit to them. Failure to do so could lead to misunderstandings and problems that go against what is expected of this style of information sharing.

Types direct communication

Direct communication can arise for two different reasons. On the one hand, a person may decide to adopt it individually, even if the individuals around them opt for a more indirect style. On the other hand, a whole culture can encourage the use of this form of information exchange.

One-on-one direct communication

Even in the most collectivist and indirect cultures on the planet, there are people who value honesty above the feelings of others. Normally this happens because they have a series of personal values ​​or beliefs that lead them to go against the opinion of the majority of the individuals around them.

At the same time, in collectivist cultures it is also possible to find institutions or organizations that mainly use a direct communication style. However, normally they are strongly rejected by the society in which they find themselves.

direct cultural communication

The adoption of a more or less direct style of communication on a regular basis is one of the factors that most differentiate one culture from another.

Research on the matter shows that some societies favor honest information sharing no matter how harsh the message, while others prefer to care for the emotions of their citizens.

Thus, cultures such as Russia or the United States score very high in levels of direct communication, while others such as Latin America or Asia are on the other side of the scale.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of direct communication is that when using it it is much easier to solve all kinds of problems, since the parties involved have all the information about what is happening at all times.

In this way, using this communicative style is essential in times of crisis, or even to maintain the functioning of entities such as a company, a community or even a relationship or friendship.

On the other hand, to be able to use direct communication correctly it is necessary that all those involved are willing to be honest and take charge of their emotions. If this requirement is not met, the most common consequences include the appearance of conflicts, hurt feelings and tensions between the interlocutors.


– A woman tells her partner that she is not happy with him, with the aim of solving their problems by working together.

– A boss tells his employee that he has to change his attitude or he could be fired.

– Members of a group of friends talk to one of the members to express their concern about some of the decisions they have been making lately.


“Direct communication”in: Study. Retrieved on: March 10, 2020 from Study:
“Direct communication”in: Good Therapy. Retrieved on: March 10, 2020 from Good Therapy:
“Direct communication – Rude or effective?” In: Social Climber Pro. Retrieved on: March 10, 2020 from Social Climber Pro:
“Direct and indirect communication styles”in: Linkedin. Retrieved on: March 10, 2020 from Linkedin:
“Direct Communication vs. Indirect Communication” in: Watershed Associates. Retrieved on: March 10, 2020 from Watershed Associates:


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