25 julio, 2024

Differences between method and technique: definition, characteristics and examples

There are differences between method and technique, although both concepts are often confused or used interchangeably as synonyms. You often hear about the method of preparing something, when in reality it is the technique of preparing.

He method consists of a series of steps to achieve a general result or goalsuch as the scientific method, Pomodoro method, Montessori method, method to lose weight or method to study.

The technique refers to a specific action or the way to carry out an activity. Several techniques can be used in the execution of a method, which is why we speak of study techniques or agricultural techniques. For example, within a study method, you can find different techniques; one to concentrate, another to read faster, another to summarize, etc.

Process or systematic steps to achieve something.

Way of performing a specific task.

Achieve a general goal.

Achieving a specific objective that serves to achieve a general objective.

Study method, scientific method, weight loss method, work method.

Technique to brush your teeth, technique to run, technique to read faster.



It is a path, an orientation

The method indicates a series of steps to achieve a general result or goal, such as acting methods (which are used to represent a character), or the scientific method (which is used to acquire knowledge).

It is an orderly process

The methods propose an overview of the steps to follow in different operations. For example, the scientific method can be broken down into a series of steps.

The methods are flexible

The method is not a rigid structure, but a more or less general orientation, which allows various techniques. Examples of this characteristic are religions with multiple variants, such as Christianity, Islam or Buddhism (the methods), with different techniques of approaching the sacred (Catholicism and Protestantism, Shiism and Sunism, Zen Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism, etc.).

The method is universal

It is a vision on how to do things or exercise knowledge, which does not require specialized learning.

The methods can be logical, empirical or mixed.

The logical methods They are those that arise from reflection or abstraction, such as philosophical and political systems, religions, some epistemological and psychological theories, etc.
The empirical methods are those derived from previous or field experience, such as the scientific method, technology development, medicine, engineering, etc.
On the other hand, there are mixed methodswhich combine logic or abstract thought with experience, and can be found in philosophical systems, areas of medicine and psychology, in economics and social sciences, and even in areas of disciplines such as physics and biology, where there are still no absolute certainties .

Examples of methods

Scientific method

It covers the principles and all the steps considered valid by the different scientific disciplines (physics, chemistry, biology, etc.) for the acquisition and production of knowledge.

The scientific method includes the formulation, demonstration and modification of hypotheses; observation, analysis and measurement; and the ability to predict events or repeat results.

dialectical method

It is a method of knowledge that originates in Greek philosophy, especially among figures like Socrates and Plato; he lives a renewed momentum among the German idealists of the 19th century (in which Hegel stands out), and closes his cycle with Marxist dialectical materialism.

In a simple way, the dialectical method consists in the confrontation of a thesis with its opposite, the antithesis, to reach a synthesis. This method continues to be used in philosophy and political science.

Stanislavski method

It is possibly the most famous acting method of the 20th century, with a determining influence on contemporary theater, television and cinema, created and developed during the first half of the last century by Konstantin Stanislavski.

Through various physical and psychological techniques, such as concentration, the use of emotional memory, physical and gestural imitation, etc., the method helps the actors to «get» into the skin of the character, to live it more than to act it out

pedagogical methods

They are the different philosophies around teaching and education. They range from those who defend traditional models, which emphasize memorization and discipline, to different pedagogical proposals that give students and their representatives a greater role.

Other examples

Study method.
Weight loss method.
Method to study.
method of learning to read.
Public speaking method.
Method to create a company.
Method to educate a dog.



Set of steps or protocols

The technique can be defined as the way of performing a particular action. For example, the technique for making a surgical cut.

Look for specific results or goals

The technique aims to achieve a specific result or objective that is usually required to achieve a general result or objective.

For example, a memorization technique whose specific objective is to remember dates and words. This could be found within a study method, whose general objective is to learn or pass a subject.

Produces similar results

The different techniques are known as such because when performed by different people at different times and in different places they produce similar results, or the same responses.

The technique for preparing certain dishes, an immersion technique or the preparation of chemical compounds, if done following the same steps and with the same instruments and rules, should produce similar results.

instrumental ability

The technique implies the ability to handle certain abstract or physical instruments. Direct observation, for example, is a research technique; and handling of the surgeon’s surgical instruments is part of his surgical technique.

The techniques guarantee the result of an investigation or operation

The correct application of a certain technique ensures that the result is correct, as in carrying out an experiment, or in preparing a meal.


memorization technique.
Technique for brushing teeth.
Race technique.
relaxation technique.
concentration technique.
breathing technique.
Technique for coloring mandalas.
Technique for painting the wall.
Jumping technique.
Technique to generate new ideas.
accounting technique.

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