The arrival of Cypress has marked a before and after in the way of doing software testingthat is, checking the proper functioning of a development.
This tool represents the new generation of frameworks of tests, which takes into account the challenges posed by the current technological reality. And what is it for?
He tells us about them Kevin Martínez, Javascript developer, Team lead at DCSL GuideSmiths, Cypress ambassador and organizer of Cypress Spain. It tells us everything about Cypress and its good practices.
What is Cypress? What is it for?
Cypress is a Javascript end-to-end testing tool. In other words, it allows us to verify that the performance of a product software newly developed is good and corresponds to the initial requirements, using automation.
There are numerous tools that carry out this process, being Selenium one of the best known. However, web environments have evolved quite a bit since the emergence of the first frameworks of tests and, in this context, is where Cypress (also called cypres test or cypress e2e) appears.
The official page of the tool itself is defined as lThe best alternative for the new generation of web applicationswhich puts an end to the problems that developers face in the testing phase.
Is testing Fast, easy and reliable anything that works in a browser.
Advantages of implementing Cypress
The Cypress framework can be downloaded in a few seconds, for Mac, Linux or Windows, and is specially designed to make the work of developers easier. Likewise, it allows you easily design different types of tests and see how the application performs in real time.
Parallel, Cypress is completely based on a new architecture. This allows access to all elements of a development, from native objects to network traffic. Thanks to these new features, the process of testing It covers all possible aspects and is therefore more complete.
Additionally, it highlights that crypess testing is an open source development (), which enables the participation of the entire developer community for the continuous improvement of the tool. Therefore, it is not surprising that Cypress is already used in companies such as PayPal, Walt Disney Studios or DHL.
Of course, our speaker does not recommend Cypress in testing applications designed exclusively for Internet Explorer 11 or Safarinor for those that visit a large number of external pages or need to do testing. iframes continually.
Beyond these exceptions, Cypress has become one of the best alternatives to perform software testing quickly, completely and safely. If you want to see the tool in practice, take a look at this webinar in which our guest shows us the best way to use Cypress testing and get the most out of it.
If you still want to know more about what Cypress is for, or about the entire application development process, perhaps what you need is one of our training courses.
Discover our Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp, that will allow you to acquire everything you need to know about back-end and front-end development, or Full Stack Jr. Bootcampperfect for beginners who want to learn to program from scratch.