26 julio, 2024

Array.prototype.shuffle in JavaScript

Have you come across the need to mix up the order in which your elements are painted on screen? Us too, and array.prototype.shuffle in JavaScript is the solution!

When programming, it is very common to find situations in which we want our elements to not have such a strict order and to be located rather randomly. Therefore, in this post, we will teach you how to use array.prototype.shuffle in JavaScript to create randomness in your project.

What is array.prototype.shuffle in JavaScript?

In programming, There are many ways to create a random distribution of elements. This practice is called randomize elements and it is very common to use it to create giveaways. Usually, this random distribution is done in relation to a array, Well, it is a set of elements that we usually go through in order to paint them on the screen.

The function array.prototype.shuffle in JavaScript is one of the most popular ways to create a random distribution of elements. As its name indicates, with it we will be directly affecting the prototype of our object array. If you have questions about what an object prototype is, we suggest you read our post about objects in JavaScript.

By using a function that affects the prototype, what we are creating is a new method that will be available to any array. That is, once created the array.prototype.shuffle in JavaScript, we can use shuffle as a method to manipulate the elements of any array. This will make it behave the same as other default methods like forEach, map and filter.

How does array.prototype.shuffle work in JavaScript?

So, How is it that we can access the prototype chain of an object and alter its behavior? If you have already read our post about classes in JavaScript, you will know that there are two ways to write and generate classes in this programming language. One of them defines that, once the class is created, we can access its prototype using the property .prototype. By accessing this property, we can insert whatever we want, for example, a function or a parameter.

What it allows us to do array.prototype.shuffle in JavaScript it is access the prototype of the object and create a method shuffle which will be available at any array. This method will help us randomize the order in which the arrangement is painted. Below, we show you a template to create this method that we found on Stackoverflow:

array.prototype.shuffle = function ( ) {

var i = this.length, j, temp;

if (i === 0) return this;

while (–i) {

j = Math.floor ( Math.random ( ) * ( i + 1) );

temp = this [i];

Este [i] =this [j];

Este [j] = temp;


return this;


Once you have inserted this method in your code, preferably in the file index.js, You can use it like any other method. So what you will do is use the command .method after calling your array by name. Remember that with any method you can also directly insert the array with their values ​​instead of inserting their name.

teams.shuffle ( );

Now to paint this array on the screen with its new random distribution, just insert the command console.log of ‘teams’ as we normally would:


To review exactly what this process does in your project, we suggest using the debugger of JavaScript and its breakpoints.

How can you continue?

Now that you know what it is and how it works array.prototype.shuffle in JavaScript, We invite you to put this way of creating methods into practice in your own project, since this is the best way to strengthen the theory. For this, we recommend our Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp. There, you will not only continue learning about web development, but you will also put your knowledge into practice with various projects. Dare to sign up to become an expert in web development!

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