The administrative unit It is equivalent to a general direction with specific powers in the internal regulations of an institution or company. Within this area, financial, technical, commercial, security, administrative and accounting functions can be executed.
It is an area to which the exercise of expenses is attributed to support the activities that facilitate the fulfillment of the objectives set forth in the plans and projects of public and private organizations.
The inherent functions of this unit consist of two main phases. On the one hand, there is the mechanical phase, in which the objective is to plan and organize.
Secondly, the dynamic phase stands out, in which the aim is to direct and control the activities that allow the achievement of the established objectives using economic, technical and material resources through the systematization of the processes.
The administrative unit is the basis of the administrative organization. It consists of one or several public employees who are assigned material resources, tasks or functions that are directed by a common leader.
The main characteristics of the administration unit are the following:
It is in charge of different functions such as planning, organizing, directing, controlling, supervising, communicating and making decisions. All of this is executed according to an organizational structure through which specific functions are delegated.
Those who are in charge, even without being the owners of the organization, must have a performance profile with leadership characteristics, such as being an example of honesty, being communicative and proactive, having management skills, being able to supervise and control processes, being analytical, orderly, methodical and punctual, among others.
The administrative unit establishes relations between the different areas and each one makes its contribution according to its assignments and roles, aimed at achieving an objective through processes ordered by areas of execution.
has unit of time
It occurs throughout the existence of the organization. All processes are interrelated in that they occur simultaneously but at different stages. Time management is a success factor within organizations.
Explains how organizations work by contemplating the development and application of norms, rules and procedures that adjust behavior according to what is expected to be achieved.
To do this, it draws on other social and scientific disciplines that allow it to broaden the vision, making it more organic while maintaining the methods that allow it to measure the results at the end of the management.
This process occurs in any organization of a social nature. It occurs equally in the State, the army, in companies, in educational institutions, in businesses and commerce, and in religious institutions. The variants will depend on the nature or purpose of each organization.
Principles of the administrative unit
In order to make the organization work satisfactorily, experts in the area have enunciated the following principles:
– Time must be managed effectively to achieve goals as planned with a minimum of error. This is achieved through the division of labor into tasks and responsibilities according to specialties and positions.
– A chain of command must be established that assumes the commitment and responsibility of the organization and imparts discipline, managing to avoid conflicts with authority by designing leadership and motivation strategies that convey the idea that everyone is an important part of the process.
– Each individual in the organization will receive instructions from a single superior to avoid counter-orders and confusion. It is the principle of unity of command; Together with the unity of direction, it guides the achievements towards the common objective.
– The management of individuals must be oriented towards common benefits rather than personal interests. Teamwork and unity lead to healthy, productive and efficient work environments.
– The effort of the workers must be fairly rewarded since this is an acquired right and the organization will benefit from it. Fair wages and incentives must guarantee the commitment of each individual who strives to carry out her mission within the work environment.
– Decision-making must be centralized so that it flows without getting bogged down in bureaucratic processes that hinder the agility of projects and administrative dynamics.
– Organizational charts should be drawn up with the intention that all members of the organization know the structure of the chain of command in order to identify where the responsibilities of each area lie and to whom they report.
– The essential resources for the proper functioning of each unit must be available when they are required.
– Justice and equity in the treatment of leaders towards their employees must be a priority to guarantee that conflicts can be resolved within these concepts without hindering the work dynamics.
– The growth of the structure will depend especially on the job stability of the staff and the decrease in employee turnover, since this will require an investment of time in training that could delay the performance of the work groups.
– Proactivity, innovation and willingness to transmit different ideas should be encouraged; unequivocally this can boost the success of organizations. Encouraging participation can achieve greater effectiveness and efficiency in the different processes of each area or management.
The importance of the administrative unit lies in the fact that it is in charge of setting the objectives in accordance with the nature of the organization, according to the values, vision and mission that support it, creating policies, strategies, programs, budgets and procedures.
Based on this, said unit organizes how the objectives are going to be achieved dividing the work by departments once the positions or positions have been described.
Later he will direct the activities so that they are carried out. You will lead decision-making and the integration of resources by motivating, supervising and establishing effective communication processes through leadership that guarantees work in gear.
This dynamic is what will guarantee obtaining the expected results, which is achieved through performance measurement controls and corrections or adjustments of processes over time.
In accordance with the above, the administrative unit has a high impact on the success of organizational management since it defines the order and methodology of work, the job profiles and the direction of the company based on what is to be achieved from accordance with the purpose and objectives of the business.
Among the most representative examples of administration units, the following can be mentioned:
– The state.
– Government agencies.
– Public and private educational institutions.
– Military institutions.
– Private and State companies.
– Banks.
– Religious organizations.
– Horizontal properties.
Vega, Guadalupe. «Administrative Unit» in Lawi Encyclopedia of Law, History and Social Sciences. Retrieved on July 14, 2019 from Lawi Encyclopedia of Law, History and Social Sciences:
«Of the administrative unit» in Veracruz State Government. Retrieved on July 16, 2019 from Veracruz State Government:
«Concepts of administrative unit, body and competence» in All Spanish law. Retrieved on July 14, 2019 from All Spanish law:
«Basic principles of administration» in Entrepreneurs. Retrieved on July 16, 2019 from Emprendices:
«Administrative Unit» at the University of Zaragoza. Retrieved on July 16, 2019 from the University of Zaragoza: