80 phrases to welcome newborns and babies

Newborns always bring joy to the family and are therefore a cause for celebration. It is about a new member of the family, who, although he cannot communicate yet, already arouses the affection of all.

A new baby is for their parents, siblings and relatives like the beginning of a new stage of hope and dreams of new possibilities. And if you have already been a father or a mother, you will understand that there will never be another day like the day your baby was born.

Phrases to welcome newborns and babies

We have made this collection of phrases to give a nice welcome to newborns and babies; use them to make a dedication, to share on social networks or to reflect.

A newborn is a miracle that never ceases to be. (Anonymous)

We never stop admiring ourselves and contemplating our children.

Perfection only exists in newborn babies. (Gayle Wray)

There is nothing cuter than a newborn baby.

Every child born into the world is a new thought of God, a fresh and ever-radiant possibility. (Kate Douglas Wiggin)

Newborns have a life full of possibilities ahead of them.

Having a child is like falling in love again, but with two people, your husband and your child. (Tina Brown)

The arrival of a child unites couples much more.

Babies are bits of stardust blown from the hand of God. (Larry Barrett)

The arrival of our children are blessings from God to the world.

My life made sense the moment I saw you. (Anonymous)

The arrival of a child changes our lives forever.

Babies are a bridge to heaven. (Persian Proverb)

Being with our newborns makes us feel like never before, full of happiness and love.

First we had us, then we had you, now we have everything. (Anonymous)

The arrival of a baby strengthens the couple’s bond and fills their lives with love.

A baby fills a place in your heart that you didn’t know was empty. (Anonymous)

Having a child causes us to develop feelings that we didn’t have before.

Babies refresh life and rejoice the heart. (Anonymous)

A newborn changes our life and makes it much better than it was, filling us with love.

The jewel in the sky is the sun, the jewel in the house is the baby. (Chinese proverb)

Babies are the most important thing in the life of a family.

A baby’s laugh is like a star in the sky. (Joseph Dirnbeck)

When our son smiles it lights up the whole place.

Sometimes it’s the smallest things that hold the biggest place in your heart. (Anonymous)

Our babies are what we love most in life.

Little feet make the biggest footprints in our hearts. (Anonymous)

Our babies mark us for life.

When a star falls from the sky, a baby sees the light of day. (Anonymous)

The birth of a child is a blessing from heaven.

You are my definition of perfection. (Anonymous)

For parents, there is nothing more beautiful than their baby.

I want you to always know that you were wanted, expected and that we will always love you.

A nice phrase to express the love for your baby.

We made a wish and you made it come true. (Anonymous)

Newborns are the blessing of the family.

How beautiful life is now that you are in the world. (Anonymous)

The arrival of a baby fills us with hope and new expectations for our lives.

Your first breath took ours away. (Anonymous)

Seeing the arrival of our children is the greatest emotion a person can have.

A baby is the light of the sun and the moon, and it lights up your life like never before. (Anonymous)

Our children are the ones who bring the greatest happiness to our lives.

You will always be the miracle that makes my life complete. (Anonymous)

A son fills our life with love and hope.

Of all the things my hands have held, by far you are the best. (Anonymous)

Nothing beats the feeling when we hold our newborn for the first time.

The first day of your life was the best of mine. (Anonymous)

The emotion of seeing our baby for the first time is the greatest that a person can experience in their life.

I don’t know what you will become, but I know that you will be everything to me. (Anonymous)

Our children will always be a source of pride for us.

Honey is sweet, but a newborn is sweeter still. (Asian proverb)

There is nothing sweeter than a baby.

Happiness is: holding your baby in your arms for the first time. (Anonymous)

Nothing gives us more joy than holding our son for the first time.

There is no better feeling in the world than holding your precious baby. (Anonymous)

Nothing fills us with more love than carrying our children.

The most valuable gift in life is a baby that you can call your own. (Anonymous)

Our children are the most precious thing we have and they fill us with pride.

There are no words to describe the euphoria you feel when your baby recognizes you for the first time. (Jared Padalecki)

The first eye contact with your child is indescribable.

Babies bring a piece of heaven to earth. (Roland Leonhardt)

The arrival of a child makes the family live happier.

A baby is as pure as an angel and as fresh as a flower. (Debasish Mridha)

Newborns represent the greatest beauty in this world.

A newborn has a special way of bringing out the man in his father, and the boy in his grandfather. (Tanya Massé)

Babies make their parents mature and their grandparents want to play again like when they were children.

A baby is one of the best gifts the world has to give. (Laurel Atherton)

There is nothing more satisfying and proud than the arrival of a child into the world.

A newborn is a miracle of life. (Anonymous)

The arrival of our children are the moments of greatest happiness of a person.

With every newborn baby a little sun rises. (Irmgard Erath)

Every new child that is born into the world is a new light that shines in it.

Words cannot express the happiness generated by a new life that arrives. (Herman Hesse)

Newborns fill the place where they arrive with joy and make their parents very happy.

When the baby is born, all pain instantly vanishes. (Hope Bradford)

When we see our child for the first time, all the pain that childbirth may have caused, and the fears we may have had disappear and we are filled with happiness.

The amazing thing about becoming a parent is that you will never put yourself first again. (Olivia Wilde)

Our babies are the most important thing we have in life, and with their arrival we become less selfish.

A newborn is like a wishing bowl; they all put their hopes on him, their fears, his past and their grain of sand on him. (Elizabeth Bard)

The arrival of a baby brings people together, wishing it to have a good life.

A person is not fulfilled until he sees the son he has made. (Sammy Davis Jr.)

The arrival of a child makes us become better people.

Having my baby sleeping in my arms, all my worries and stress disappear. (Maria Jose Ovalle)

Our children fill us with peace and when we are with them, nothing that happens in the world matters to us.

Babies reinvent your world. (Susan Sarandon)

The arrival of a child makes us change the way we see things.

A newborn is the beginning of all things; wonders, hopes, a dream of possibilities. (Eda J. Le Shan)

The arrival of a new child fills us with hope for the future and makes us try to give him all the best in his life.

It is the nature of babies to always be happy. (Deepak Chopra)

Newborns do not suffer the complications of life, so they are always happy.

A happy baby has a sparkle in its eyes; they walk with their hearts open through the world and spread magic. (Sigrid Leo)

Babies are very transparent with their emotions, and if they are happy it shows in plain sight.

All those clichés, all those things that are said about having a baby and being a mother… they are all true. (Penelope Cruz)

There is no greater happiness than having a child.

So small, so tiny and so loved by all. (Anonymous)

Newborns are loved from the first moment by their parents and their entire family.

As the stars are to the sky, so are children to our world. (Chinonye J. Chidolue)

Babies are the ones who bring joy to our lives.

It’s the smallest thing I’ve decided to dedicate my whole life to. (Terri Guillemets)

Our children, from birth, are our first and only priority.

A baby’s smile is the antidote to melt away the stress of the day. (Anonymous)

Seeing the happiness of a newborn makes us forget all our problems.

Babies make you want to start your life over. (Muhammad Ali)

Having a child makes us think and want to correct all those things that are going wrong in our lives.

There is no better feeling than making your baby laugh. (Jerry O’Connell)

Nothing makes us feel better than seeing our children laugh.

There are words in the soul of a newborn baby, waiting and wanting to be written. (Beta tuff)

Each new child that comes into the world comes with a purpose, which he will try to discover and fulfill throughout his life.

Babies are little suns that magically bring warmth, joy and light into our lives. (Kartini Diapari-Oengider)

The arrival of a child transforms the home, filling it with life and love.

Each baby is a different kind of flower, and all together they make this world a beautiful garden. (Anonymous)

Babies fill the world with life and make it a much better place.

A baby is God’s opinion saying that life must go on. (Carl Sandburg)

Children are God’s blessing in our lives.

You can’t buy happiness, happiness is born. (Anonymous)

Nothing makes us happier than the birth of a child.

Children are born to make their parents better people. (Mekael Shane)

The arrival of a child orders the lives of their parents and makes them more responsible.

Just as a plant needs light and space to grow, a baby needs love and freedom to develop. (Sigrid Leo)

We must try to give him all our love and the necessary space so that our son can grow up happily.

Three things from paradise remain with us; the stars, the flowers and the babies. (Dante Alighieri)

Newborns are one of the most sublime things that we can find in the world.

There is a tenderness that endures in the love of a mother for her child, which transcends all other manifestations of affection of the heart. (Washington Irving)

There is nothing more powerful than a mother’s love for her child.

We cannot train our children with our own concepts; we must take them and love them as God gives them to us. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

Our children can be very different from us and we should always respect and support their thoughts and ways of acting.

Raising a child is an art, and we are all artists. (Sigrid Leo)

We all have the ability to raise our children.

We do not know the love of parents until we become them. (Henry Ward Beecher)

Having a baby completely transforms us and gives us a new perspective on life.

The babies…


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