15 septiembre, 2024

7 basic tags in HTML | Bootcamps

HTML is a basic programming language, its main purpose is to give structure to the contents of web pages. HTML has several tags that it uses to tell search engines how to display the content found in the code.. In this post, We show you the basic tags in HTML and the importance of some of them in search engine positioning.

Basic tags in HTML

There are 7 tags in HTML that we could consider as the basic tags and these are:

It can’t really be considered a label; This declaration in HTML is, rather, information that is given to the search engine so that it can read the document in the format it is. The doctype tells the search engine that this page is HTML. All documents must begin with this statement.

For current pages, the code will look like this:

The tag represents the root of the documents. This is the container where all the elements within the web page should be placed. It is important that you include the lang attribute within the HTML tag, as it declares the language of the page, which is important to help search engines. It would look like this:

Depending on the language it must be changed inside the quotes.

The element is a container for site metadata. What is put inside the head It will not be shown to users, as it is information for the search engine. They are usually defined the title of the document, styles, code from other languages, such as JavaScript and CSS, and others.

This element is important for SEO, as it is the place where social media meta tags and content tags are added that can help the search engine understand your content more easily.

</em></strong></span></h3><p><em>Title</em> It is one of the most important basic HTML tags for SEO.<strong> It is the way in which the content will be named within the search engines.</strong>.</p><p>These titles have parameters that must be followed. The general recommendation is that <strong>titles must be between 50 and 60 characters </strong>and they must be descriptive to help the search engine evaluate and position the content.</p><p>The title can only be given text and is displayed in the search bar and in the search engine.<strong> It is a tag that is in all HTML documents and you can only have one per document. </strong></p><h3 class="wp-block-heading"><span id="body"><strong><em><body></em></strong></span></h3><p>This tag defines the body of the document. <strong>Within this tag all the contents that will be seen from the HTML document are placed.</strong>such as headings, paragraphs, images, videos… Same as the label <em>title</em>can only be placed once within the document.</p><h3 class="wp-block-heading"><span id="h1_h6"><strong><em></p><h1> –</p><h6></em></strong></span></h3><p>This is another of the basic tags in HTML that are important in SEO and, in general, in the structure of the page.</p><p><strong>These tags are made to put the headers of the page, from the first header, which should be the title, and from there you can put up to header 6, </strong>although you will rarely reach this level.</p><p><strong>It is important for SEO and for the structure of the site to never have more than one h1 per page and not to skip any headings.</strong> You should always keep the hierarchy in mind and follow it.</p><div class="wp-block-image"></div><div class="wp-block-image"></div><h3 class="wp-block-heading"><span id="p"><strong><em></p><p></em></strong></span></h3><p><strong>The p tag defines the paragraphs within the website.</strong> They are usually placed after the headers, but this depends on the page and the needs of each one.</p><p>An example of what the code and page would look like could be the following:</p><div class="wp-block-image"></div><p>This would be what the basic code looks like.</p><div class="wp-block-image"></div><p>And this is what basic text would look like within a website.<strong> You can continue writing this way, to add formatting you can do it directly within the document or you can link a style sheet </strong>CSS that will make it easier to improve the formatting and the way the page looks.</p><h2 class="wp-block-heading"><span id="Como_funcionan_las_etiquetas_basicas_en_HTML">How do basic tags work in HTML?</span></h2><p><strong>Elements are defined by a base tag, content, and a closing tag.</strong></p><p><tag>Content</tag></p><p>Viewed with the basic HTML tags we saw earlier,<head> would look like this:</p><p><head></p><p><meta charset=”UTF-8″></p><p><meta ****-equiv=»X-UA-Compatible» content=»IE=edge»></p><p><meta name=»viewport» content=»width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0″></p><p><title>HTML example

There are some elements that have no content, for example
, which is used to create space between content. These do not have a closing tag.

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