You want to know phantoms of PhantomBuster that you can use to develop your strategies? In this article we talk to you about 5 of them that can help you meet your requirements and objectives.
5 PhantomBuster phantoms
PhantomBuster has an extensive group of phantoms or processes that integrate different applications and you can use them to benefit your strategies. So, below we bring you 5 phantoms of PhantomBuster from the great set that exists. Go ahead and check them out and try some!
This phantom It is used when you are working with the LinkedIn platform. It will allow you to extract and export all the results of a Sales Navigator Search search and put them together in one spreadsheet. To do this, you will have to give a list with all the searches to obtain all the related information.
LinkedIn Message Sender
With this phantom You can send personalized messages automatically to all your connections or the connections of your brand account. To do this, you must give the cookie of LinkedIn and a list with all the profile links.
It will return the profiles, emails, the email associated with the account, the description, the headlinesthe location of the person, personal data (such as name) and data on the companies where they have worked, among other important data.
Once you have all this information, you will send the pre-established messages.
Twitter Follower Collector
If you need to extract the list of followers from your brand’s Twitter account or your personal account, you can use this phantom. You will only have to grant the cookie Twitter and a list of all the profiles you should review. In this way, the program will return the profile URL, the account name, the biography and the account creation date, among other elements.
This phantom It allows you to extract all the information found in the reviews of a specific extension. To work with this process, you must provide a list of Chrome extensions and, therefore, you will obtain the profile image of the extension, the name, the author link, the content or body of the review and the URL of the extension.
GitHub User Search Export
This phantom It is used to obtain all the user data that you want to obtain from a search on the GitHub platform. You must grant the program searches and cookie from GitHub and you will get the profile URL, the usernamethe user’s full name, description, location, and email.
How to use Phantombuster: graphical interface and tools
If in your projects you have the objective of increasing the number of leads of your brand to, in this way, improve the revenue, this interests you. All the tools that this platform offers you are focused on the leads, so it will allow you to improve strategies for this purpose. Now we delve into how to use Phantombuster through a summary of the graphical interface and the tools it contains.
How to use Phantombuster
Panthombuster is a platform focused on digital marketing that is responsible for the treatment and growth of leads of a brand, company or website. Therefore, you will be able to perfect your strategies to obtain a better revenue and position your brand so that you continue to obtain many more clients.
In functional terms, Phantombuster It is used for three purposes:
First of all, with this platform you can extract lists from leads, which will allow you to register sources from anywhere on the internet so that they are effective. With Panthombuster you will be able enrich your databases with more data, emails or any other type of information. Therefore, you will be able to fill all the gaps in your databases. Lastly, it will allow you automate outreach campaigns for your brand on another level of scale.
Graphical interface and tools Phantombuster
Phantombuster It presents a first approach with the user that allows us to know their desires or expectations with the app, as well as present the value of the service to the potential user. To retain it, offers you a trials free for 14 days, inviting you to try the tools before purchasing a plan.
Once you register with your personal information, Phantombuster will welcome you and ask you to configure the application in 4 specific steps.
These 4 steps are well explained in the Phantom beginner’s guide. The platform has 4 explanatory video tutorials, which are:
What is Phantom? Configure Phantom. Check and balance all the Phantoms you know. Set the limitations of your networks.
Afterwards, and within the dashboard, you can also find other guided steps that will allow you to configure your entire platform. You can learn how to install the Phantombuster application, as well as launch a product that is generated in this app.
Platform tools Phantombuster
The three most important tools in Phantombuster are:
The Phantoms tool to carry out automated processes, since this little ghost or figure is in charge of carrying out a series of automation according to your requirements.
The element of flows of the platform is similar to what you could establish in a platform of workflows. Some flows that you will find will be displayed as follows.
Finally, this platform also integrates between the two previous options. This will allow you to meet other types of objectives in a more accurate and effective way. Some of the integrations are:
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Thanks to this article you have known 5 phantoms of PhantomBuster that you can use to develop your digital strategies. Do you already know how to execute them? In our Digital Marketing and Data Analysis Bootcamp We tell you how to do it and we train you on a theoretical and practical level to become an expert in a short time. Come in and ask for information!