26 julio, 2024

3 examples of phishing | Bootcamps

If you have been a victim of cyber attacks, perhaps you already know the 3 examples of phishing which we will show you in this post. If you have not been a victim, it is better that you learn what they are to be aware of any suspicious information you receive.

Among all the cyber attacks that exist today, the phishing It is one of the most recognized, one of the most used and one of which the most attempts have been made to counteract, since many people have been direct victims of malicious hackers who promote this attack against computer security.

He phishing It is a practice of social engineering, whose objective is to defraud customers to find a benefit, usually economic. To do this, they are responsible for obtaining a person’s personal information with deceptive techniques, such as fake websites, emails or text messages, among others. Thus, they intend to obtain a person’s access credentials, their banking details and other sensitive data.

Examples of phishing

Now that we remember what it is, we can begin to look at some examples of phishing that will help you see how this cyber attack works and how you can avoid falling into it.


Trying to get someone’s attention is the most important objective of a type of cyber attack. phishing, since an ordinary person is its main target. The way of acting of phishing It can be seen in many emails that can arrive in our inbox. Malicious emails usually have a strange email address that has no relation to the supposed sender of the email.

Although it often seems real, it should be reviewed carefully, since it tries to distract people with extra letters, periods or dashes. If the email, after review, appears legitimate, it is possible that the verification tool phishing is in the body of the email. Attackers, in this way, want to get you to download something and run it to get all your data.

In the following image we see how the attackers impersonate Endesa:

Fraudulent links and web pages

On the other hand, another example of phishing It can be finding links in the body of emails or text messages. At first glance, they appear legitimate; However, when it is done phishing Many of the links lead to fraudulent pages, full of viruses that allow black hat hackers to access your credentials and attack the security of your computer or mobile phone. Therefore, it is better not to click on any link until it has been reviewed in depth.

SMS or text message

Another of the most recent forms of phishing to steal your credentials and personal information is from SMS or text messages. In this case, the cyber attacker focuses on sending a message that seems very real to attract the person’s attention, so he or she pretends to be a third party: a person or an entity. This mode of phishing It has the objective of doing what the attacker wants with a false link or platform. The SMS technique is relatively newer than others, such as email, and, believe it or not, it is easy to fall for, since they focus on designing a very real platform and access link.

A representation of this example of phishing It is the one we can see below. A cyber attacker is impersonating SEUR, a parcel shipping and transportation company. They send information by SMS and an access link that leads to a page where different information must be entered that, surely, you have already given previously.

What’s next?

Now that you have known these 3 examples of phishingyou can be more alert to any message or email you receive. Remember that you should always check the sender information, the link structure and, above all, never click on them, since we do not know what they store. In this way, you will be more protected from cyber attacks from the phishing.

If you want to continue exploring topics related to computer security, we invite you to take a look at the syllabus of our intensive Full Stack Cybersecurity Bootcamp training, which will help you become an expert on the subject. Dare to ask for information and keep learning!

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