26 Short Friendship Poems by Great Authors

The Friendship poems are some of the most common, as they inspire poets to show their feelings for their friends. Having friends is of great value, many of us have them since we were children and some become almost siblings.

Friendships are the family we can choose in our lives with whom we share sadness and happiness. There are many authors who have dedicated part of their works to friendship, exalting it as it deserves.

It is never too late to dedicate a poem to your best friends, value that bond that can unite them forever. Next we will show you friendship poems so that you dedicate and remember great friends.

List of friendship poems

“I grow a white rose” – Author: José Martí

Cultivate a white rose

in June as in January,

For the honest friend,

who gives me his free hand.

And for the cruel one who rips me off

the heart with which I live,

Thistle or nettle cultivation

cultivate a white rose.

“How did you say, my friend” – Author: Rubén Darío

How did you say, my friend?

What love is a river? It is not weird.

It’s certainly a river

that, joining the confluence of the detour,

going to get lost in the sea of ​​disappointment.

“Friends are so…” – Author: Robert Lowell

Friends are so

but so creepy beautiful

that I would yell at them


Joyful, full of tears,

so they came from hell.

«The friends» Author: Julio Cortazar

In tobacco, in coffee, in wine,

at the edge of the night they rise

like those voices that sing in the distance

without knowing what, along the way.

Lightly brothers of fate,

dioscuros, pale shadows, they scare me

the flies of habits, they put up with me

to stay afloat in the meantime.

The dead speak more but in the ear,

and the living are a warm hand and a roof,

sum of gains and losses.

So one day in the boat of the shadow,

of so much absence will shelter my chest

this ancient tenderness that names them.

“Friend” – Author: Pablo Neruda

Friend, take what you want,

penetrate your gaze into the corners

and if you wish, I give you my whole soul

with its white avenues and its songs.

Friend —with the afternoon make it go away

this useless old desire to win.

Drink from my pitcher if you are thirsty.

Friend —with the afternoon make it go away

this wish of mine that all the rosebush

belongs to me-

Friend if you are hungry eat my bread.

Everything, friend, I have done for you.

All this that without looking you will see in my naked room:

all this that rises up the right walls

—like my heart— always looking for height.

You smile friend. Does matters!

Nobody knows how to hand over

what is hidden inside

but I give you my soul, an amphora of soft honey,

and I give you everything

Except that memory.

That in my empty inheritance that lost love,

It is a white rose, which opens in silence.

«Friendship» Author: Carlos Castro Saavedra

Friendship is the same as a hand

that in another hand supports his fatigue

and feel that the fatigue is mitigated

and the way becomes more human.

The sincere friend is the brother

clear and elemental as the spike,

like bread, like the sun, like the ant

who confuses honey with summer.

Great wealth, sweet company

is that of the being that arrives with the day

and clarifies our interior nights.

Source of coexistence, of tenderness,

It is the friendship that grows and matures

in the midst of joys and sorrows.

«I drink to our friendship» Author: Jorge Javier Roque

Worth this friendship that I have for you

To toast a future together

That no matter how much time has passed

We still have a world to live.

“Talking about friendship and love” Author: Zenaida Bacardi de Argamasilla

To say love is to release your breath and let out a deep sigh.

Saying friendship is like opening the door and letting in a soft and deep feeling.

To say love is to make pain sweet and sacrifice dear.

To say friendship is to make the understanding and quality of the company warm.

To say love is to find the compendium of all the desires of life.

To say friendship is to find the cloak of tenderness, comfort and peace.

“Friend” – Author: Fernanda Laguna

I was going to tell you

life is not easy.

But now

not to say something obvious I tell you

-wait for it to occur to me-

Will it have to be as complicated as life

so that we are at his height?

“Friendship at all costs” – Author: José de Arias Martínez

Soul to soul, that’s how it’s born

a true friendship,

by dint of being very sincere,

heart to Heart,

it is a delivery of love,

No contracts or promises.

Because there is acceptance

without needing forgiveness

for it is given without reserve,

friendship you keep it,

when there is only love

“To Carmen (Veintimilla)” – Author: Dolores Veintimilla

Less beautiful than you, my Carmela,

Go that flower to decorate your hair;

I myself have caught it in the prairie

And affectionate my soul sends it to you.

When dry and withered one day falls

Don’t throw it, for God’s sake, on the shore:

Keep it as a flattering memory

Of the sweet friendship that united us.

“Poem for a friend” – Author: Víctor Zúñiga García

“Friends… we will always be friends

to count our sorrows one by one

and we will have as witnesses

to the sun, to the wind, to the night, or to the moon.

We will travel to a distant world

to search with all the effort

And we will be like the walker

who rides looking for his dream!

Friends always above all things

how thorns and roses go together

regardless of distance or time

you will be the rain… I may be the wind.

And so we will continue as few do,

looking in life for our crazy dreams

And if something happened, listen to what I tell you

For all time… I will be your friend!”

“Poem 8” – Author: John Burroughs

He who, when you leave, misses you sadly

The one who, upon your return, welcomes you with joy

The one whose irritation never shows

That’s who I call a friend.

He who gives sooner than asks

The one who is the same today and tomorrow

The one who will share your sorrow as well as your joy

That’s who I call a friend.

The one who is always willing to help

The one whose advice was always good

The one who is not afraid to defend you when attacked

That’s who I call a friend.

“Of friendship” – Author: Alfredo Buxan

To Enrique Fernández and Mayte Gómez

Because it’s not good

to confuse the breath with the cold of the soul,

nor is it good for man to live alone,

nor is the table cornered in the living room kind

with only a withered plate on the tablecloth,

and the crumbs.

Come see the dust of things, take me out

of this swamp without light. I lost

the habit of friendship and it weighs on me

like marble every afternoon at home,

without leaving me I want your voice

between the walls like common rain.

The beat of silence around.

The goodness of your sweet company.

I long for your voice because I already confuse

exhausted, the trembling breath from my mouth

with the cold of the soul

“To friendship” – Author: Alberto Lista

The sweet illusion of my first age,

of the crude disappointment the bitterness,

sacred friendship, pure virtue

I sang with a voice now soft, now severe.

Not from Helicon the flattering bough

my humble genius conquer seeks;

memories of my evil and my good fortune,

stealing from sad oblivion just waits.

To no one but you, dear Albino,

owes my tender and loving chest

of their affections consecrate history.

You taught me to feel, you the divine

song and generous thought:

Yours my verses are and that is my glory.

“I will come back if my friends come back” – Author: Ángel Marino Ramírez V.

I will come back if my friends come back

And if the blood of the century stops

I will return with the won and the lost

Satisfied with the snow adventure

I will return because the song of the sea calls me

With its murmur of deep loneliness

I left in the middle of a parade of tears

And I will return in a caravan of walking experiences

Return for the glories of withered ashes

By the plea of ​​eager genes

For the dreams of the spilled bodies

And for the tree that waited for me in silence

I’ll be back when my friends come back

Because history has no bars

And the sheets have no doors.

“New friendships” – Author: Raúl Henao

The fire took hold of the carved frame

of new friends

who always walk arm in arm with the first

stranger passing under an umbrella.

The last days of April had the hardness

of the plowshare.

Hands sent by telegraph, kisses with packaging

toothpaste, landing encounters

of the stairs. The face or tail of the coin that

lasted in the sharp afternoon air

like a razor blade.

By candlelight threatened in the morning

it was not known if that girl

I was going in or out of the bathroom.

“This is friendship” – Author: Arjona Delia

if loneliness invades

you can count on me!

I will light your path

I will always know how to listen to you!

I always offer you my shoulder

in case you need to cry,

reach out your friendly hand

I’ll help you walk!

Because it’s all about

true friendship,

give confidence, give shelter,

with complete sincerity!

“Friendship Sonnet” – Author: Garza Humberto

I gave up everything to be your friend

when you were a flower of light and surprise;

My confession, maybe you don’t care

I’m telling you anyway.

Your symphony of tuberose and punishment,

my skin torn in pain, does not kiss,

and like a white cloud today it crosses

my dream and the ears of my wheat.

Today my blood flows quietly…

It seems that I edit my agony

in the rosy marble of your forehead.

I wait, the affliction of my elegy,

with the accent of his sorrowful voice

do not tarnish the brilliance of your day.

“Friend, never forget you” – Author: Minerva Dirksz

How to forget you, friend?

How, how? If I am like a shadow by your side.

How can I forget you dear friend, if I am always in your thoughts.

How to forget you friend, if with your touch to the heart, your presence is already noticeable.

How can I forget you friend, that one day without hearing from you I feel like dying.

And if one day you can’t find me, friend, it’s because I haven’t forgotten you.

In that absence there will be a reason.

But my friend, I could never forget you.

I will always be your loyal friend.

“My best friend” – Author: Mireya Orozco

my soul friend

My dear friend

are you my mother

and the best of my life.

always my confidant

Always my advisor

always the most sincere

And never treacherous.

You are the most beautiful

and I thank you

for being

My best friend.

“My friend” – author: Pablo Cingolani

My friend

come home soon

Tell me everything,

Change everything for me

what do i need today

your resurrection

your liberation,

Your revolution.

«A friend is…» – Author: Verónica R. Marengo

A friend is the one who walks by your side

both in good and

in bad times.

He is the one who shows you that he loves you

with small everyday details.

It is who listens to you and without being

I agree with you, he doesn’t judge you.

He is the one who reproaches you

that you didn’t call him

showing you how much

that you care

A friend is the one who guesses

what worries you

and without asking you anything

try to make you feel good.

It is he who laughs with you.

It is the one that strengthens you

with his words.

a friend is the best

what can happen to us

«Definition of friendship» – Author: Diego E. Loayza G.

Friendship… dreamlike flash

the greatest feeling

The most fruitful land

is the shelter

where we seek peace

And poetry and a journey

where does the friend walk

It is where we turn on the smile

And we turn off loneliness

A magical place…


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