He kaqchikel It is the native language of a few thousand inhabitants of the highlands of Guatemala. This language presents a great variety of dialects, among which Solola, Panajachel, Tecpan, Patzun, Patzicia, Comalapa and Itzapa stand out.
To begin with, “fruit” can be said in several ways, notably ru’vëch che’ and munibel.
Kaqchikel, together with Ki’che, Kekchi and Mam, is one of the Mayan aboriginal languages most widely spoken by the Guatemalan indigenous community.
We left a list of fruits in kaqchikel that includes the pronunciation of these words. The spelling that will be used to write the terms was developed by the Academy of Mayan Languages of Guatemala.
List of fruits written and pronounced in Kaqchikel
1. Pack
Päk means anona. The anona is a tropical fruit typical of Latin America. In Guatemala, this fruit occurs on the southern coast. It has a meaty pulp, which can be consumed fresh or in shakes.
As for its pronunciation, it is somewhat complicated for Spanish speakers, since the sound that corresponds to the spelling «ä» does not exist in our language. this phoneme [ə] it is typical of English, in words like “trouble” and “capable”.
Wachxan is coconut. The initial sound of this word has three possible pronunciations: “gua”, “ba” or “a”.
On the other hand, the “ch” is pronounced the same as in Spanish. However, the «x» sounds like «sh», a phoneme that does not exist in our language.
It means pumpkin. It should be noted that pumpkins are, in effect, fruits and not vegetables, as most people would be inclined to think.
The word “k’un” has a pronunciation similar to that of the Spanish word “secondary”, although the initial sound, k’, is much stronger.
4. Saq’ul
In this Mayan language, banana is saq’ul. This word has a pronunciation similar to that of Spanish, it only differs in the fact that the sound of the «q» is much more glottal, stronger, than in Spanish.
5. Turas
Tur’as is peach. Regarding the pronunciation of this word, it should be noted that the «r» is pronounced weakly, as in «face». The Kaqchikel use a different word to refer to green peaches, “pu’y”.
6. Lemonix
The word to say lemon is very similar to Spanish: limonix. Regarding pronunciation, it should be noted that the «x» sounds «sh», as when someone is asked to be silent.
7. K’oxk’ob’äl
This is the word to refer to wild cherries. The pronunciation of this word could be transcribed as “koshkobl”.
The “k” sound is much stronger than in Spanish and there is no equivalence for the “ä” sound.
On the other hand, to talk about regular cherries, two words are used: capilin and cambilin.
8. Q’oq
Q’oq means watermelon, also called pin in some areas of Latin America. Regarding pronunciation, the first “q” is pronounced stronger than in Spanish, while the second is exactly the same as the one used in the word “casa”.
9. hey
Oj means avocado or avocado. The pronunciation of this word is quite simple, you just have to take into account that the «j» at the end of the word is pronounced aspirated, which means that the sound is weaker compared to the one used in Spain or in Mexico.
10. Ch’op
This is what the pineapple or pineapple is called. The final consonant, the «p», is almost imperceptible.
11. Aranxäx
It’s orange. It is pronounced “aranshash”, since the “x” has this sound.
12. Carnala
Carnala means granadilla. This is a typical fruit from America, with a rounded berry shape and is generally used for the production of wines and jams. As for the pronunciation, it is said exactly as in Spanish.
In Kaqchikel, fig can be said vicx or fig.
14. Plum
Plum in Kaqchikel is also called plum. Similarly, the pronunciations in Spanish and Kaqchikel are the same, which represents an advantage for Spanish speakers who wish to learn this Mayan language.
15. Noxti’
Noxti’ means prickly pear. The tuna is the fruit of the nopal, a cactus plant with green stems covered in thorns. This plant is typical of Mexico.
As for the pronunciation, it is said noshtí, and the sound of the «i» is prolonged.
16. Xcoya’
Xcoya’ means tomato. This is another of the fruits that are generally considered vegetables. The word xcoya’ is pronounced “shcoiá”.
17. touch
Toca’n is blackberry or blackberry. In general, this word is pronounced as in Spanish, however, the vowel sound of the «a» is prolonged longer.
18. Nimamixku’
It means apple. The pronunciation of it would be «nimamishku».
19. Raxtzuy
That’s what the pear is called. Remember that the «x» sounds sh, and the tz, as in «carnets». Therefore, the pronunciation would be “rashtsui”.
20. Q’enum
Q’enum means stone plum, an American variety of plum. The initial sound is one k stronger than that of Spanish.
21. Tulül
It is the word for zapote. The “ü” is a more closed “u” than in Spanish, and would be pronounced “tulul”.
22. Nimatuq’
The grape is called that, and it is pronounced the same as if it were Spanish, with the stronger final “q”.
23. Kaq
Käq is said to the guava. The “ä” is more open than in Spanish, and the final “q” is more pronounced.
24. Saqatokan
This is strawberry. The pronunciation is identical to Spanish.
Guatemala. Retrieved from everyculture.com.
Kaqchikel pronunciation guide. Retrieved from native-language.org.