The vegetarian food They are represented by fruits, vegetables, cereals, legumes or seeds, such as quinoa, cherry, wakame, flax, sesame and lentils, among many others. They are derived directly from a substrate, such as soil, where plants, fungi, or algae grow. Its leaves, roots, seeds or fruits can be edible.
Its importance within the daily diet is irrefutable, because they are a natural source of nutrients, fiber, vitamins, folic acid, protein and unsaturated fat. They are not only vital for a healthy body, but also contribute to the maintenance of different body systems.
Many are the benefits of fruits, cereals, seeds and legumes, among others. For example, the fiber in legumes contributes to the proper functioning of the digestive tract.
Folic acid, contained in chickpeas, contributes to the formation of red blood cells. Another of the benefits of regular vegetable intake is that it reduces the risk of cardiovascular, respiratory, and immunological diseases, and even anticancer properties are attributed to them.
List of plant-based foods
Fruits can help minimize the risk of osteoarthritis and cardiovascular disease. They are a source of water, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and proteins. They are also rich in mineral salts such as calcium, potassium, iron and magnesium.
This fruit contains, among other nutrients, vitamins K, A, C and B. It is used as an anti-inflammatory and to fight infections. In recent studies, quercetin and ellagic acid, which cherry has, have been associated as effective compounds in the treatment of cancer. These stop the spread and development of tumors, without affecting healthy cells.
Regular consumption of this fruit helps to reduce uric acid, due to the anthocyanins it contains. Likewise, traditional medicine uses it widely for its benefits for the colon and the heart.
Kiwi is used as part of the treatment for respiratory tract diseases. It also helps lower cholesterol and control blood pressure. This is due to the vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients it contains. In addition to this, it has vitamin C, potassium, fiber and antioxidants.
This fruit has high levels of vitamin C, so specialists recommend consuming it to cover the levels of this vitamin in the body. It can reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, since it helps to lower blood pressure.
Blueberry is an excellent source of nutrients and immune-boosting compounds, such as flavonoids and phenolic acids. Due to the fact that it contains tannins, anti-diarrheal properties are attributed to this fruit. Some studies point to its ability to create resistance against some microorganisms, such as bacteria or fungi.
They are foods with a high nutritional content, which provide few calories. Vegetables contain fiber, minerals and vitamins, which help in maintaining optimal health.
Carrot is rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene. This antioxidant gives it its orange color, as well as being related to the prevention of cancer, especially prostate and lung cancer.
It is part of the cruciferous family. Broccoli has glucosinolate, a compound that is made up of sulfur. It also has sulforaphane, an element used effectively in the protection against cancer diseases. C.omer broccoli could protect other organs, such as the heart, against diseases caused by oxidative stress.
In addition to the ability of this vegetable to prevent diseases, it is a species that has many nutrients, such as vitamins K and C, potassium, folate and manganese.
This vegetable is low in calories, and many essential minerals and vitamins: it has fiber, protein, magnesium, vitamins K, A and C and manganese.
Chard is known for its ability to act against the damage that diabetes mellitus could cause. It could also prevent the damage that free radicals could cause in cells. The antioxidant property of chard protects the kidneys and liver from the effects of diabetes.
Brussels sprouts
Brussels sprouts contain kaempferol. This antioxidant could be a highly effective agent in preventing possible cell damage caused by free radicals. In this way, you are also helping to avoid some chronic diseases.
The consumption of this vegetable can also help raise the percentage of enzymes involved in detoxification processes. This possibly reduces the percentage risk of cancer in the rectum and colon.
Legumes are the seeds contained in plants belonging to the Fabaceae family. These provide the individual with a food with high levels of dietary fiber, zinc, antioxidants, iron and protein.
Due to this, the legume family has become one of the main sources of food for living beings, especially humans.
The chickpea is native to the Mediterranean, although its cultivation is extended to America and India. It contains minerals, such as sodium, calcium, copper, magnesium, potassium and manganese. In addition, it is rich in vegetable proteins and vitamins B6, B2, B1 E, A and C.
This grain is an important source of slowly absorbed carbohydrates. Due to this, the assimilation in the body of glucose is gradual. In this way, blood sugar levels are controlled, avoiding imbalance.
It is a very protein food and rich in fibers. In addition, it has few saturated fats, which contributes to the regulation of cholesterol. The fibers it contains favor intestinal transit, as well as contributing to a slower process of absorption of carbohydrates.
Lentils are cultivated in various regions of the world, due, among other things, to the fact that the plant is highly resistant to drought.
They contain fiber, vitamins E, A, B3, B2, B1, B6 and B9, starches, carbohydrates and proteins. In addition, they have minerals such as calcium, selenium, magnesium, zinc, sodium, iron and phosphorus.
Lentil proteins are low in fat. This is extremely important, not only nutritionally, but also, together with the fiber and its satiating properties, it is a healthy and affordable option.
It is a plant native to Mexico that is characterized, among other things, by its extensive variety, with variations in color and seed size. ANDThere are white, red, black, brown, yellow beans. There are even two colors: white with black, yellow and brown, among others.
The bean has a high nutritional value, since it has fiber, folic acid, antioxidants and vitamins B3, B2 and B1. It is an excellent provider of vegetable protein, with very low levels of fat and free of cholesterol.
They also have high levels of starch, a complex carbohydrate that is slowly released in the body. Due to this, they produce a feeling of satiety. They help control sugar spikes in the bloodstream.
On the other hand, they have quercetins, a compound that is considered in traditional medicine as an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. They keep blood pressure low, facilitate digestive processes, keep the bone system healthy and strong, and prevent diseases of the circulatory system.
seeds and nuts
Seeds and nuts provide the body with saturated fats, which are beneficial for the circulatory system. In addition, they have potassium, vitamin E and protein.
Almonds are an excellent aperitif, since they reduce cholesterol levels. In addition, as it is an excellent substitute for animal protein, it causes a feeling of fullness in the individual, avoiding excess in meals.
The fat it contains helps to maintain optimal blood lipid levels, reducing the risk of circulatory system diseases in patients with diabetes mellitus.
Flax seeds are very beneficial for the body’s chemistry. Flax lignans are natural hormones of the phytoestrogenic type. These are effective in the treatment of cancerous tumors, especially those of the prostate and breast.
Regarding fiber, it covers the stomach walls, preventing the development of inflammatory processes. In addition, a tablespoon of ground flax provides almost two grams of omega 3, a fat that effectively activates the functioning of the blood vessels and the heart.
Sesamin is an important antioxidant present abundantly in sesame seeds. This compound significantly reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood. C.Eating sesame contributes to the control of blood pressure. This makes it an excellent ally for cardiovascular health, avoiding not only heart problems, but also strokes and possible kidney diseases.
As for the high levels of oils that exist in the composition of this seed, these significantly improve the condition of hair, skin, and nails.
They provide the body with vitamins, proteins and minerals. Specialists recommend consuming them for breakfast, as they give the necessary energy to start daily activities.
Rice has large amounts of lysine and starch, in the form of amylopectin and amylose. Clean rice, without its bran, has less dietary fiber than other cereals. Taking individual needs into account, it is advisable to consume it unprocessed, as it helps the efficient functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
An outstanding aspect of this cereal is that it does not contain gluten. Thus, it is suitable to be consumed by people who suffer from celiac disease, as well as by those who are sensitive to non-celiac gluten.
Barley is not only the fundamental ingredient in brewing. It is a highly nutritional food, which is also very useful in gastronomy. It is an excellent source of energy, due to the slow assimilation carbohydrates. Also, due to the potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus, it is a good remineralizer.
However, the most outstanding aspect of barley are trace elements, such as the antioxidant selenium, zinc, copper, manganese. It is also rich in vitamins B6, B3 and B1.
Although it does not have a high protein level, like wheat, its nutritional contribution is important. In addition, it contains soluble fiber, with a high beta-glucan content. It is associated with the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
Quinoa is a vegetable food that has within its components, the 9 essential amino acids for the development of the human being. This makes it a highly nutritious species, in addition to its easy digestion.
Lysine stands out among these amino acids, with properties associated with brain development. It also contains histidine and arginine, of utmost importance in the infant stage of the human being, since it contributes to the…