16 original and classic poems about peace

A selection of beautiful poems about peace that will give you a few minutes of reflection and tranquility.

Peace is understood as a period in history in which there is no war between countries or groups, but it is also the state of mind of tranquility. It is a subject that has been dealt with in numerous books or films, and on which poets have reflected. In fact, some of them had to experience it firsthand, perhaps the most tragic case being that of Federico García Lorca.

Below you will find a selection of peace poems by renowned and original authors by our author. You can find poets like Francesco Petrarca, García Lorca, Miguel Hernández, Gloria Fuertes or Rafael Alberti.

Poems about peace by well-known authors

Peace, peace, peace(Rafael Alberti)

“Peace, peace, peace! Luminous peace.
a life of harmony
on a blessed land.»

“Endless peace, true peace.
Peace that rises at dawn
and the night does not die.»

Reflection: the poet expresses his desire to achieve peace and that it lasts.

«I have no peace nor can I make war» (Francesco Petrarca)

I have no peace nor can I make war;

I fear and I hope, and from burning to ice I pass,

and I fly to the sky, down to earth,

I don’t squeeze anything, and I hug everyone.

Prison that does not close or un-close,

It doesn’t stop me or loosen the hard bond;

between free and submissive the wandering soul,

The limp body is neither alive nor dead.

I see without eyes, I cry in vain;

I dream of dying and help I implore;

I hate myself and others later I love.

Pain feeds me and crying I laughed;

Death and life at last I deplore:

In this state I am, woman, for you.

Reflection: the poet speaks of moments of restlessness, pain and sadness for not having love by his side. That is why he cannot feel at peace.

“Only three letters” (Gloria Fuertes)

Only three letters, three letters nothing more,

only three letters that you will forever learn.

Only three letters to write PEACE.

The P, the A and the Z, only three letters.

Only three letters, three letters nothing more,

to sing PEACE, to make PEACE.

The P for town, the A for love

and the Z of sapphire or zagal.

Of sapphire for a blue world,

lad for a boy like you.

You don’t have to be wise

nor have bayonets,

if you learn well,

only these three letters,

use them older

and there will be peace on earth.

Reflection: sublime reflection phrases on how easy it can be to have peace in the world.

«Shut up the cannons» (Lupercio Mundim)

Let the cannons shut up

let the soldiers dispense,

because battles are illusions

that only produce defeated.

May peace always prevail

about war and violence

that man never forgets

Where does his impertinence go?

that children can play

with their joys in tune,

that adults can provide

to a future full of harmony.

May the weapons be destroyed

because they only cause death and suffering,

that new alliances be woven

because of extinction there is no repentance.

Reflection: a poem that talks about the longing for a world without wars or weapons that cause harm, a better one where children can play in peace.

«I ask for peace and the word» (Blas de Otero)

I write

in defense of the kingdom

of man and his justice. I ask


and the word. I said






«of man and his justice»,

«Pacific Ocean»,

what they leave me

I ask

peace and word

Reflection: the poem expresses the poet’s need for such precious peace and his desire to obtain it.

«Sad war» (Miguel Hernández)

sad wars

If the company is not love.

sad. sad.

sad guns

if not the words

sad. sad.

sad men

if they don’t die of love

sad. sad.

Reflection: the poem expresses regret because of the war and the lack of much-needed peace.

«Whoever sees will think well, beautiful peace» (Lope de Vega)

Whoever sees will think well, beautiful peace,

that I have to play war in the sonnet

who asks for you a certain discreet,

of these who only know prose.

Be safe, Peace, from idle war,

that I don’t know how to write for a tome;

only of you I will say that in your concept

you are Peace of many victorious wars.

Not so much peace, make retirements more expensive,

that idle and crazy youth follows you,

and war will return to persecute you.

The beautiful retreat is your turn,

I fear that you will come to ruin you,

yes, being Peace, you walk from mouth to mouth.

Reflection: the poem expresses a constant search for peace.

«The peace of the village» (Emilio Bobadilla)

In the Virgilian peace of the village

the brook runs silently;

in the branches the bird chirps,

and the wagon passes slowly.

The rooster strikes the hour; the bell

of the tiny church sobs

as evening declined, and an old woman

at the door he sits in his hut.

Sudden cannon thunder sounds

and the importunate bucolic calm

and fills the peasant with fears,

who already anticipates the next looting,

and over the hoarse noise the moon

shines anointing the bombardment with peace…!

Reflection: the poet boasts of the peace of a village, calm and happy, which is tinged with anguish after hearing a cannon fire.

«Freedom on the air» (Federico García Lorca)

«Mariana, what is man without freedom? without that

harmonious and fixed light that is felt inside?

How could I love you not being free, tell me?»

«We poets will be old and lonely.

Under the old olive tree we will sing Peace».

«He will say: peace, peace, peace,

between the shiver of knives and dynamite melons;

will say: love, love, love,

until the lips turn silver.»

Reflection: a poem that talks about the human being and his freedom, and how poets in time of war never tire of asking for peace.

«The Garden of Peace» (Ramón Luque Sánchez)

in the garden of peace

there are flowers of a thousand colors,

they are yearnings for ideals

that make hearts happy.

They are truth and joy,

forgiveness and friendship

dreams that stop war,

this solidarity

Also affection and nobility,

sincerity and utopia,

share, honor, help,

respect and courage

The one who tills this garden

He has no trade or age;

only the heart is enough

to care for peace.

in the garden of peace

the sprouted the illusion,

was watered with hope

and much love has come out.

in the garden of peace

made a dove the nest,

each of their chicks

carries an olive branch.

Reflection: a poem that draws a garden of peace in which the best and most precious values ​​prevail. Love, courage, hope and respect are some of them.

«The flower of peace» (María Cristina Azcona)

It opens its velvet petals

While cold dew covers her,

made of tears that form a river,

of those who suffer without consolation.

Rosa the glare already fades the cold

of its color under a blue sky.

nor the pain, the fear or the scourge

they survive before its pious aroma.

He wants to give us peace under a golden sun,

the chalice emerald, the silky face…

feel that the world is finally changed…

Flower that gives us its fruit, generous…

It should grow on this meadow!

Instead of vile death and hateful war!

Reflection: the poem expresses a strong desire of the poet that the deaths caused by the war end, that later many flowers reach the fields, since they symbolize peace.

original peace poems

«Search until the descent» (Juan Ortiz)

Looking for you in the panorama of life turned out to be a lost trip,

labyrinthine days devoured with their iron mirrors,

they loaded their eyes,

the steps,

of terrible images,



and nowhere did I see you.

Go for you at the edge of the shore,

among the corpses of shipwrecked ships,

he beat me in salt;

each shell shouted slogans to misfortune,

dead fish swam my blood,

I saw the forbidden bottom where not even Neptune has permission,

I reached the deep sands,

I took a little

and I didn’t see you

Fly for you to the dense cloud,

to the citadel of wing and thunder,

it didn’t help,

I was pierced by cherubs with spears of the sun for walking where I shouldn’t,

where my essence as a man was not allowed;

I went down,


wounded by the truths of God,

made seed of origin

and I drilled the foundations of what was Eden,

and inside,

silent in the bowels of silence,

was that I could finally see you:

mythical and elusive


Reflection: the poem delves into how difficult it is to find peace in the world, and how, apparently, it is in death that true rest is found.

“Peace!’, ask in the trench” (Juan Ortiz)

«Peace!», asks in the trench

the man alone, wounded,

in her tears she has understood

that this battle was not his.

That war is a beast

what a grave, stout, to the horizon,

it’s rhino black

that goes and breaks the soul,

«Give them peace, give them calm!»

the mockingbird prays in its song.

Reflection: the poem speaks of a man who cries out for peace after having witnessed and experienced the war to the point of being about to die.

“That which they call ‘peace’” (Juan Ortiz)

I visited the holy field,

I was looking for the grave of the lone soldier;

it was an ash wednesday

the end of the penultimate war.

The tombstone was simple

from the epitaph to the lily,

from grass to box contents,


where everyone sometime

The autumn air stripped the last leaf from the cherry tree above me,

and there,

under its broken shadow,


I fired my father.

behind my figure

one line to the gate

-and beyond-

I was waiting for your farewell

because their dead could not return either,

and it is not known in which grave they were left,

in what recess of oblivion they left them,

like what they call «peace»

since man set foot on earth.

Reflection: the poem talks about the wars waged in the name of peace and how they never achieve their goal, and how peace has never been presented.

«What one day wanted to name peace» (Juan Ortiz)

Wake up,

of whatever,

about another color,

without doors,




without roads or bells,

without even a word

nothing that could remember what was gone,

that existed in that species,

stripped of the crosses,

the chandeliers,

the moons,

of every sign that tries to save what should never have been;

to reach another place that is not above or below,

so as not to condemn or curse anyone;

not belong,

be a sound coming from something ethereal,

true meaning

of what one day wanted to name peace.

Reflection: the poem refers to the peace that is outside of this existence, far from humanity and its things.

«Peace, mythical gadget» (Juan Ortiz)

They sell it in pills

in shirts,

necklaces, dresses,

They praise her, although she has never been,

They include it in documentaries.

He goes and crosses the thresholds after every war,

smile above the blood on the ground,

says it was fair to have been,

to make sense,

and unite the contending races,

and below the convalescents do not understand what happened.

It is fashionable among presidents,

mayors, governors,

and around every ruler,

on the cover of the newspaper shines blue,

pigeon in flight,

but the dead man remains on the ground,

their children,

all messy,

without justice,

devoid of the human caress,

but it was necessary to reach utopia.

Is written,

is sung,

is recited,

is exalted,

however, it is never reached,


mythical contraption

fuel of hope

Reflection: the poem talks about how peace is an easy concept to find in the…


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