100 union phrases to inspire and reflect (short)

The Union it is what generates the force of change. There is a lot of reason for the saying: «There is strength in unity», because everything that is achieved in life, big or small, is the product of the efforts of several people, not just one.

The union between people, between peoples, between nations, will bring multiple benefits to humanity, starting with the fact that we will be able to offer solidarity and support to those who need it and differences will be erased to show us that we are all part of something bigger, that encompasses us

We leave you the best joining phrases from excellent authors such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Buddha, JK Rowling, John F. Kennedy, Marcus Aurelius, Abraham Lincoln, Henry Ford, Helen Keller and many more.

Short phrases about union and unity

-The unit, to be real, must withstand the greatest stress without breaking.- Mahatma Gandhi.

-Where there is unity, there is always victory.- Publilius Syrus.

-Alone we can do little, together we can do a lot.– Helen Keller.

-In unity, there is strength; we can move mountains when we are united.– Bill Bailey.

-Unity is strength. Knowledge is power. Attitude is everything.– Lance Armstrong Foundation.

-None of us is as smart as all of us. Ken Blanchard.

-Remember that the fate of all depends on the conduct of each one.– Alexander the Great.

-A house divided against itself cannot stand.– Abraham Lincoln.

-Unity without truth is no better than conspiracy.- John Trapp.

-A wavering crowd splits into opposing factions.– Virgil.

-Union make force. Ecclesiastes 4:7-12.

-The foundations of freedom are unity.– Oliver Kemper.

-In crucial things, unit. In the important things, diversity. And in all things, generosity.– George HW Bush.

-The meaning of unity is an eternal wonder.- Rabindranath Tagore.

-There is more power in the union than in the division.– Emmanuel Cleaver.

-What ever separates men from God, also separates men from men.- Edmund Burke.

-We cannot free ourselves until we advance together with a common desire.– Emilio Aguinaldo.

-Where destruction is the reason, the union is dangerous.- Ravi Zacharias.

-When spiders unite, they can tie up even a lion.- Ethiopian proverb.

-Unity has never meant uniformity.– Martin Luther King, Jr.

-They are not in vain the weakest, if their strength unites.- Homer.

-If you want to get there fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.- African proverb.

-No man can guide man, we need to have unity.- Bob Marley.

-Unity and victory are synonymous.– Samora Machel.

-Talent perceives differences; genius, unity.– William Butler Yeats.

-All for one and one for all.- Alexandre Dumas.

-So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the entire Earth.- Baha’U’Llah.

-We are the harvest of others; we are each other’s business; we are the magnitude and the bond of the other. Gwendolyn Brooks.

-Even the weak become strong when they are united.- Friedrich von Schiller.

-United we stand, divided we will fall.– Aesop.

-There is beauty and power in unity. We must be united in heart and mind.– Lailah Gifty Akita.

-The strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack.- Rudyard Kipling.

-Individually, we are a drop of water. Together, we are an ocean.– Ryunosuke Satoro.

-Necessity promotes unity.– Aberjhani.

We can’t live on our own. Thousands of fibers connect us with our fellow men.– Herman Melville.

-Union gives strength to the humble.– Publilio Siro.

-There is no doubt that unity is something desirable and something worth fighting for, but it cannot simply result from making mere statements.- Theodore Rikel.

-In extreme situations, the entire universe becomes our enemy. In such critical times, unity of mind is essential, do not let your heart wander.- Morihei Ueshiba.

-The greatest strength does not lie in numbers, but in unity.- Thomas Paine.

-The unity of freedom has never been based on the uniformity of opinion.– John F. Kennedy.

«Unity is not obtained by ignoring the questions that have to be confronted.» Jay Weatherill.

-Matter is diversity, spirit is light, life and unity.- Muhammad Iqbal.

-He who experiences the unity of life, sees his own being in all beings, and all beings in his own being, and looks at everything with an impartial eye.- Buddha.

-The reason why the world lacks unity and is broken and in heaps, is that man lacks unity with himself.- Ralph Waldo Emerson.

-Contemplate the good and the pleasant, that it is for the brothers to live in unity.– Psalms 133:1.

-The essence of beauty is unity in variety.– Felix Mendelssohn.

-The deepest level of communication is not communication, but communion… beyond words… beyond a concept.- Thomas Merton.

-We will be as strong as united we are, and as weak as how divided we are.– JK Rowling.

-The unit is plural, and as a minimum, it is two.– Buckminster Fuller.

-We all live with the goal of being happy; our lives are different, and yet they are the same.– Anne Frank.

I offer you peace. I offer you love I offer you friendship. Let us work together for unity and love.– Mahatma Gandhi.

-We must bring unity of spirit and purpose, and condemn hatred and division wherever we see them.- George Osborne.

-Small birds can defeat lions if they unite.- Saadi Shirazi.

-You’re never alone. You are eternally connected to everyone.– Amit Ray.

-Divide and order, a wise maxim; unite and lead, a better one.– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

-You have to work together for unity and love.– Mahatma Gandhi.

-History teaches us that unity is strength.- Haile Selassie.

-Unity is strength, and division is weakness.- Swahili proverb.

-The crowd that is not led to act as a unit, is confusion. Unity that does not have its origins in the crowd is tyranny.– Blaise Pascal.

Unity does not mean uniformity. It means singleness of purpose.– Priscilla Shirer.

-Honest differences between points of view and honest debates are not disunity. They are a vital process for the creation of laws among free men. – Herbert Hoover.

-The meaning of unity is an eternal wonder.- Rabindranath Tagore.

-Peace, unity and harmony!– Cathy Freeman.

-We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.– Martin Luther King, Jr.

-The great lesson is that unity is behind everything. Call yourself God, love, spirit, Allah, Jehovah.– Swami Vivekanda.

-The higher we go on the scale of beings, the easier a connection can be discerned, even between things separated by vast distances.– Marcus Aurelius.

-Unity and simplicity are the two true sources of beauty.Johann Joachim Winckelmann.

-Nature creates unity, even in the parts of a whole.– Eugene Delacroix.

Team and group union phrases

-Unity is strength. When there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved. – Mattie Stephanek.

-Develop in your team the feeling of unity, of dependence for each other, and strength will derive from unity.– Vince Lombardi.

-Talent wins games, but teamwork wins championships.- Michael Jordan.

-When there is no enemy within, external enemies cannot hurt you.- Winston S. Churchill.

-Unit and team chemistry are more important than talent.– Rob Colbert.

-Starting by joining is a start. Staying together is progress. Teamwork is success.– Henry Ford.

-We must all be together or surely we will all end up hanging separately.– Benjamin Franklin.

-When there is unity, the scope or power of the work is extended.– Joel Sternfeld.

-I am a member of the team and I depend on my team, I respect it and sacrifice myself for it, because the team, and not the individual, is the ultimate champion.- Mia Hamm.

-There is no problem that we cannot solve together, and there are very few problems that we can solve on our own.- Lyndon B. Johnson.

-The hearts of men should not oppose, but ally with each other, and all against evil.- Thomas Carlyle.

-The worker of the world has nothing to lose, but by their chains, the workers of the world unite.- Karl Marx.

-I can do things that you can’t; you can do things that I can’t; together we can do great things.– Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

-For there to be a winner, the team must have a feeling of unity, and every player must put the team first, before personal glory.– Paul Bryant.

-Unity is something that is easily sought, but it requires the right type of leadership to achieve it.– Steve Scalise.

-We cannot separate in interest or divide by purpose. We must stay together until the end.– Woodrow T. Wilson.

Phrases of social and community union

-Society is unity in diversity.– George Herbert Mead.

-We must all accept national unity, avoid radicalism and learn politics.– Xanana Gusmao.

-Through union, smaller states prosper. Through discord, the greatest states are destroyed.– Sallust.

-Love, friendship and respect do not unite people as much as common hatred for something.- Anton Chekhov.

-I dream of the consummation of the unity of Africa, where its leaders unite their efforts to solve the problems of this continent.– Nelson Mandela.

-Unity is power. Without unity, women cannot fight for their rights anywhere.– Nawal El Saadawi.

-Fragments race against race, religion against religion, prejudice against prejudice. Divide and conquer! We must not let that happen here.– Eleanor Roosevelt.

-Government and cooperation are the laws of life. Anarchy and competition, the laws of death.– John Ruskin.

-There can be no union without diversity.– Richard Twiss.

-The world needs more love, no hate, prejudice or intolerance, and more unity, peace and understanding.- Stevie Wonder.

-The hope of a safe and livable world lies with the disciplined mavericks who are dedicated to justice, peace and brotherhood.– Martin Luther King, Jr.

-Our true nationality is humanity.– HG Wells.

-The destiny of man is to unite, not divide.– TH White.

-The human race must always remain united, shoulder to shoulder, to never allow evil to deceive and divide it.- Suzy Kassem.

-In diversity there is beauty and there is strength. Maya Angelou.

-The peoples of the earth are a single family. Ruth Benedict.

Phrases of couple unity and in marriage

-Only in love are unity and duality not in conflict. Rabindranath Tagore.

-Love is the cause of unity in all things.– Aristotle.

-The goal in marriage is not to think alike, but to think together. Robert C. Dodds.

-Even if the unity of faith is not possible, the unity of love is.– Hans Urs…


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