100 phrases to smile and about smiles that will brighten your day

As they say, smiling is free; doing it makes you feel good about yourself, but it’s also a gift to others, letting them know that you like them or that you’re glad to see them.

Smiles really are contagious; if someone smiles at you it is likely that you will smile back. It can start a relationship, a friendship or simply work as a greeting to unknown people.

Below you will find a list of phrases to smile that will encourage you to reflect and be happy despite all the difficulties. They are of well-known characters, such as Dr. Seuss, Mark Twain, Thich Nhất Hạnh, Maya Angelou and many more.

List of phrases about smiles and to smile

30-Smile, it’s free therapy.- Douglas Horton.

-There is always a reason to smile.- Anonymous.

11-You are never fully dressed without a smile.- Martin Charnin.

-A smile heals the wound of a frown.- William Shakespeare.

-Bring a smile and have friends; She wears a frown and wrinkles.- George Eliot.

-A smile is the happiness that you will find right under your nose.- Tom Wilson.

-A smile is a curve that puts everything straight.- Phyllis Diller.

-He wrote love with his smile and magic with his eyes.- Giovannie de Sadeleer.

-Each smile makes you one day younger.- Chinese proverb.

-A smile can last a second, but its memory can last a lifetime.- Anonymous.

-A smile is a powerful weapon; You can always break ice with her.- Anonymous.

-No one needs a smile as much as those who do not have any to give.- Anonymous.

-Everyone smiles in the same language.- Anonymous.

32-Nothing is more beautiful than a smile that has fought against tears.- Demi Lovato.

-There is no smiling face that is not beautiful.- Anonymous.

-Every time you smile at someone it is an act of love, a gift for that person.- Mother Teresa.

-A smile is the shortest distance between two people.- Anonymous.

-The greatest weapon that one can carry against his enemies is a simple smile.- Lionel Suggs.

-Use your smile to change the world and don’t let the world change your smile.- Anonymous.

-There is fear when frowning. There is love when smiling.- Anonymous.

50-Science teaches to think, but love teaches to smile.- Santosh Kalwar.

-Life is like a mirror: we have better results when we smile.- Anonymous.

Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.- Dr. Seuss.

-If you see a friend without a smile, give him one of yours.- Proverb.

-A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.- William Arthur Ward.

-Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.- Thich Nhất Hạnh.

5-If you only have a smile, give it to the people you love.- Maya Angelou.

-A smile is a facelift that is available to everyone.- Tom Wilson.

-You haven’t lost your smile, it’s right under your nose. You simply forgot it was there.- Anonymous.

-A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.- William Arthur Ward.

-Peace begins with a smile.- Mother Teresa.

5-The smile is the key that opens the heart of the whole world.- Anthony J. D’Angelo.

-I know the reason why someone smiles.- Anonymous.

-After each storm the sun smiles; For every problem there is a solution.- William R. Alger.

-One of the most rewarding things in life is always putting a smile on your face.- Dr TP Chia.

11-The most valuable smile is the one that shines through tears.- Ella Wheeler Wilcox.

-Because of your smile you make your life more beautiful.- Thich Nhất Hạnh.

-The colors are the smile of nature.- Leigh Hunt.

5-I love those who can smile in the face of problems.- Leonardo da Vinci.

-Give a smile to a stranger today. It could be the only sunlight you see every day.- Anonymous.

-A smile cannot change the world, but it can change someone’s world.- Anonymous.

-If you are too busy to smile, you are too busy.- Anonymous.

4-We should all know the good that a simple smile can do.- Mother Teresa.

-The wrinkles should only indicate where the smiles have been.- Mark Twain.

4-A smile is a cheap way to change your appearance.- Charles Gordy.

«If you do not use your smile, you are like a man with a million dollars in the bank and without being able to get them out.» Les Giblin.

-Of all the medicines of the inner life, a smile is the best.- Sri Chinmoy.

4-No matter how fleeting your smile is, it is the beginning of the light of your wisdom.- Sri Chinmoy.

-Never regret something that made you smile.- Bei Maejor.

-Remember: even when it is raining outside, if you keep smiling, the sun will soon show its face and smile back at you.- Anna Lee.

-A smile is the universal welcome.- Max Eastman.

-Keep walking and keep smiling.- Tiny Tim.

«People rarely notice that you are wearing old clothes when you wear a smile.» Lee Mildon.

-The true man smiles in the face of problems, takes strength from anguish and grows brave in the face of disappointment.- Thomas Paine.

-Before you frown, check that there are no smiles available.- Jim Beggs.

-A smile is the cheapest way to improve your appearance.- Clemmie Galati.

-The living must smile, because the dead cannot.- George RR Martin.

-Beauty is power; a smile is his sword.- John Ray.

5-Gratitude paints smiling faces in everything it touches.- Richelle E. Goodrich.

-Let my soul smile through my heart and my heart smile through my eyes.- Paramahansa Yogananda.

-What the sun is for flowers, the smile is for humanity.- Joseph Addison.

4-Look back and smile at the dangers of the past.- Walter Scott.

-Life is short. Smile while you have teeth.- Anonymous.

5-Start and end the day with a smile.- WC Fields.

-There is little success where there are few smiles.- Andrew Carnegie.

31-If you smile when there is no one around you, you do it seriously.- Andy Rooney.

15-If a man smiles all the time, he probably sells something that doesn’t work.- George Carlin.

-I was smiling yesterday, I am smiling today and I will smile tomorrow. Simply, because life is too short to cry for anything.- Santosh Kalwar.

1-You walk through life much more easily with a smile.- Sweet Paul.

-A smile is a light in your window that tells people that you are at home.- Anonymous.

-Smile, even if it is a sad smile, because sadder than a sad smile is the sadness of not knowing how to smile.- Anonymous.

-Better to forget and smile than to remember and be sad.- Christina Rossetti.

-A perfect day is when the soul smiles.- Anonymous.

-Smiling is my favorite exercise.- Anonymous.

-Smiles are great investments; The more you collect, the better you feel.- Anonymous.

-If you do not start your day with a smile, it is not too late to start practicing for tomorrow.- Anonymous.

-The world always seems brighter after a smile.- Anonymous.

-A smile confuses an approaching frown.- Anonymous.

-A smile is the second best thing you can do with your lips.- Anonymous.

-17 muscles are required to smile and 43 to frown.- Anonymous.

-The most authentic smiles are those that spread on our faces when no one is looking at us.- Minhal Mehdi.

-Someone who chooses to smile rather than get angry is a really strong person.- David Schary.

31-Although I felt that I was about to cry, I chose to smile.- Kristen Ashley.

4-Try to smile at people, you never know how a simple smile can affect someone’s heart.- Benjamin Bayani.

-Share your smile with the world. It is a symbol of friendship and peace.- Christie Brinkley.

-A simple smile is the beginning of opening your heart and being compassionate to others.- Dalai Lama.

10-Nothing shakes the smiling heart.- Santosh Kalwar.

11-You don’t have to be happy to smile.- Daniel Willey.

14-Nothing you wear is more important than your smile.- Connie Stevens.

-Learn to smile in every situation. See them as an opportunity to demonstrate your strength and ability.- Joe Brown.

-A smiling face is a beautiful face. A smiling heart is a happy heart.– Dr. TPChia.

4-You can see something of a person’s character by the way he smiles.- Christian Nestell Bovee.

-You can teach more with a single smile than with a whole year of lessons.- Anthony T. Hincks.

-Smile from your heart; nothing is more beautiful than a person who is happy to be himself.- Kubra Sait.

-Always wear a smile at some point of the day, it makes you feel happier and younger.- Kylie Bax.

-You will discover that life is still worthwhile, if you just smile.- Charlie Chaplin.

-All the statistics in the world cannot measure the warmth of a smile.- Chris Hart.

-A smile is a maker of friends.- Bangambiki Habyarimana.

-Smiling does not necessarily mean that you are happy. Sometimes it just means that you are strong.- Anonymous.

-Smile is the vainest thing you can wear without costing you anything.- Anonymous.

4-Spend your life with people who make you smile, laugh and feel loved.- Roy T. Bennett.

1-That smile could move mountains and break hearts.- Kylie Scott.


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