Hope is essential for difficult days, when problems arise and everything looks dark, seeing the difficult solution or feeling defeat. With it we can be in the dark and feel that the light is near, gathering the energy to move on.
In fact, it often takes pain, frustration, and failure to appreciate the positive; With the contrast we are able to enjoy and appreciate more the good things in our life, the people we love, and not only see the negative.
As the proverb says, “hope is the last thing to lose”. You can be in a disastrous situation, where you feel like you’ve lost everything and you can’t get it back, but no one can take away your hope.
The best phrases of hope
For those difficult days and for you to share with the people you appreciate, we have made this list of phrases of hope from great historical figures such as Anne Frank, Helen Keller, Victor Hugo, Martin Luther King, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Henry Ford, Ralph Waldo Emerson and many more.
-To have hope is to see the light despite being surrounded by darkness.
5-Hope is born when everything is lost.-JRR Tolkien.
15-Only in the dark can you see the stars.-Martin Luther King.
15-Everything done in the world is done by hope.-Martin Luther.
3-There is something good in this world, and it is worth fighting for it.-JRR Tolkien.
-Where there is no hope, we have to invent it.-Albert Camus.
-Hope is the bread of the poor.-George Herbert.
-What oxygen is for the lungs, hope is for the meaning of life.-Emil Brunner.
-Where there is no hope, there is no effort.-Samuel Johnson.
3-March with hope in your heart and you will never be alone.-Shah Rukh Khan.
30-Hope is faith reaching out in the dark.-George Iles.
5-Hope is medicine for the sick and tired soul.-Eric Swensson.
1-In everything, hope is better than despair.-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
-Hope is the last thing to be lost.-Italian proverb.
-We must not hold our ship with a single anchor or our life with a single hope.-Epithet.
4-No matter how long the storm is, the sun always shines again through the clouds.-Khalil Gibran.
-When the world says to give up, hope whispers that you try one more time.
-It is better to travel full of hope than to arrive.-Japanese proverb.
4-Once you choose hope, anything is possible.-Christopher Reeve.
-While there is life there is hope.-Marco Tulio Cicero.
-The darkest hours are just before dawn.-English proverb.
-No matter how long the night is, it will dawn.-African proverb.
5-Living without hope is ceasing to live.-Fyodor Dostoevsky.
The heart would break if hope did not exist.-Thomas Fuller.
30-Hope never leaves you, you abandon it.-George Weinberg.
5-Hope is the lighthouse that points to prosperity.-Edward Counsel.
10-I do not think of all the misfortune, but of all the beauty that still remains.-Anne Frank.
-Every cloud has a silver lining.
-Hope is a waking dream.-Aristotle.
Hope doesn’t cost anything.
«He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything.-Thomas Carlyle.
1-We must not let our fears prevent us from pursuing our hopes.-John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
15-There was never a night or a problem that could defeat the dawn or hope.-Bernard Williams.
-The only common good that all human beings possess is hope; Those who lost everything still have it.-Thales of Miletus.
-Hope is a flowering tree that sways sweetly to the breath of illusions.-Severo Catalina.
-I will not shed any tears as long as I continue to cling to my hope.-Paulo Cainelli.
-Hell is having lost hope.-Archibald Joseph Cronin.
-Where a door closes, another door opens.-Miguel de Cervantes.
5-Hope is the only bee that makes honey without flowers.-Robert Ingersoll.
-If you want to be happy, set a goal that directs your thoughts, releases your energy and inspires your hopes.-Andrew Carnegie.
-If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can overcome a difficulty today.-Thich Nhat Hanh.
-Optimism is the faith that guides achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and trust.-Helen Keller.
3-We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.-Martin Luther King, Jr.
5-Hope rises like a phoenix from the ashes of broken dreams.-SA Sachs.
5-Hope is the pillar that sustains the world.-Pliny the Elder.
-The wretched have no other medicine, only hope.-William Shakespeare.
5-Hope resides in dreams, in the imagination and in the courage of those who dare to make their dreams come true.-Jonas Salk.
-Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.-Albert Einstein.
-Hope is like a path; Before there was no, but when many people walk on it, the path becomes real.-Lin Yutang.
-Where there is no vision, there is no hope.-George Washington Carver.
-Without hope is the unexpected.-Heraclitus.
-Never lose hope. Storms make people strong and never last forever.-Roy T. Bennett.
1-I am prepared for the worst, but I hope for the best.-Benjamin Disraeli.
4-Let your hopes, not your pain, shape your future.-Robert H. Schuller.
-All human wisdom is summed up in two words: hope and hope.-Alexandre Dumas.
5-Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all the darkness.-Desmond Tutu.
-Let us always keep in our hearts the most beautiful and noble feeling that distinguishes human beings: hope.-Manel Loureiro.
-May perseverance be your engine and hope your gasoline.-Jackson Brown Jr.
30-Hope is patience with the lamp on.-Tertullian.
-We must free ourselves from the hope that the sea will rest. We must learn to navigate with strong winds.-Aristotle Onassis.
4-Without the night we could not see the stars.-Stephenie Meyer.
5-Hope is a talent like any other.-Storm Jameson.
-Never give up. Expect only the best in life and act to get it.-Catherine Pulsifer.
10-We judge the wisdom of a man by his hope.-Ralph Waldo Emerson.
-There is nothing like a dream to create the future.-Victor Hugo.
-Without hope there is no despair. There is only meaningless suffering.-D. Morgenstern
-In a time of destruction, create something.-Maxine Hong Kingston.
1-We have always held on to hope, belief, the conviction that there is a better life, a better world.-Franklin D. Roosevelt.
5-Hope is passion for what is possible.-Soren Kierkegaard.
-There is no medicine like hope, no incentive as great and no tonic as powerful as the expectation of something for tomorrow.-Orison Swett Marden.
-When we have lost everything, even hope, life becomes a misfortune and death a duty.-WC Fields.
-Never talk about defeat. Use words like hope, believe, faith and victory.-Norman Vincent Peale.
15-Never gives as much as when you give hope.-Anatole France.
5-Hope is the raw material with which faith builds the home.-Rex Louis.
11-You can have hope without faith, but you cannot have faith without hope.-Randy Furco.
-Some see a hopeless end, while others see endless hope.
The old hope is the hardest to lose.-Barrett Browning.
5-Hope fills the gaps of frustration in the heart.-Emanuel Cleaver.
10-Hope is what makes us move forward.-Catherine Pulsifer.
4-At the end of the day, we must go forward with hope and not backwards with fear.-Jesse Jackson.
-Hope keeps you alive. Faith gives meaning to life.-Rex Louis.
14-There is a crack in everything, this is how light enters.-Leonard Cohen.
15-Any small thing can give hope, just like a candle in the dark.-Christian Mostert.
-Disappointments do not kill, and hopes make them live.-George Sand.
1-Only hope is real, reality and bitterness are lies.-William Makepeace Thackeray.
11-You are in a good place when what you have is hope and not expectations.-Danny Boyle.
11-Hope is the word that God has written on the forehead of each man.-Victor Hugo.
-Hope is the doctor of every misfortune.-Irish proverb.
30-Hope is the stimulus of life.-Edward Counsel.
-Hope is putting faith to work when giving up would be easier.
40-All that is needed is a flower of hope to make a spiritual garden.-Terri Guillemets.
-Our brief life prevents us from having great hopes.-Horace.
-The birds of hope are everywhere, listen to them sing.-Terri Guillemets.
-One lives in the hope of becoming a memory.-Antonio Porchia.
3-The moment hope ceases to be reasonable, it begins to be useful.-GK Chesterton.
30-Hope is a good breakfast but a bad dinner.-Francis Bacon.
-The quality of our expectations determines the quality of our actions.-André Godin.
1-A whole pile of memories never equals a little hope.-Charles M. Schulz.
3-Waiting for something for nothing is the most popular form of hope.-Arnold H. Glasow.
10-Hope is independent of the apparatus of logic.-Norman Cousins.
3-Hope ceases to be happiness when it is accompanied by impatience.-John Ruskin.
10-Things begin as hopes and end as habits.-Lillian Hellman.
15-There is no fear without hope, and there is no hope without fear.-François de La Rochefoucauld.
10-You are never given a dream without the power to make it come true.-Richard Bach.
3-Hope will never be silent.-Harvey Milk.
5-Hope is the feeling we have that the feeling we have is not permanent.-Mignon McLaughlin.
-Never deprive anyone of hope, it could be all they have.
-Many of the great achievements of the world were achieved by tired and discouraged men who kept working.
5-The oil of hope makes the machinery of life run smoothly.-James Lendall Basford.
5-Hope is the only universal liar who never loses his reputation for veracity.-Robert G. Ingersoll.
5-Hope is a kind of happiness, but its excess can cause pain.-Samuel Johnson.
10-We should never be hopeless, since we can never be irreparably broken.-John Green.
-If you are reading this, congratulations! Are you alive. If that’s not a reason to smile, I don’t know what is.-Chad Sugg.
-Hope is a renewable option. If you run out at the end of the day, you can start again in the morning.-Barbara Kingsolver.
30-Hope is like the sun, it throws all the shadows behind us.-Samuel Smiles.
5-In order for the light to shine, the darkness must also be present.-Francis Bacon.
-The desires in our life form links and those links form a long chain called hope.-Seneca.
-In adversity a person is saved by hope.-Menander.
-Without hope, the reasons to live run out.-Delimar Miranda Viera.
-Hope is the only thing stronger than fear.-Hunger Games.
5-An individual can do amazing things if they have enough hope.-Shannon K. Butcher.
When you think everything is…