26 julio, 2024

10 programming books for beginners | Bootcamps

If you want to start taking your first steps in the technology sector and are looking for recommendations for programming books for beginners, in this post you will find the best options recommended by experts and teachers in the sector.

The programming market is one of the fastest growing in recent years. There are numerous companies that need professional programmers on their teams to manage their websites, blogs or online stores. In this context, many people want to get started in this technological area on their own, however, it is not as easy as it seems.

10 programming books for beginners

Learning to program through tutorials, specific courses or practicing through trial and error are some options, however, they are also there is a wide range of programming books for beginners that can help you learn to program although it may seem like an intimidating task. Next, We review a list of 10 programming books for beginners:

1. Structure and interpretation of computer programs– By Harold Abelson, Gerald Jay Sussman, Julie Sussman

Also known in English as Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SCIP) is one of the best programming books or to learn the fundamentals of generic programming. In addition, it is used as a basic programming course at MIT, that is, for programming for beginners.

SCIP uses Scheme to illustrate various programming concepts, including recursion, abstraction, modularity, and programming language design and implementation.

It is a challenging book for a beginner, but If you give it enough time, it can teach you valuable and important programming knowledge.

2. Computer programming concepts, techniques and models– By Peter Van Roy and Seif Haridi

The book is organized around programming concepts. It starts with a small language that contains just some basic concepts for programming for beginners. To then teach you how to design, write programs and reason in this language. Additionally, add concepts one by one to overcome limitations in expressiveness.

The book, above all, focuses on techniques of lasting value and explains them thoroughly in terms of an abstract machine. The book presents the main programming paradigms in a uniform framework that shows their deep relationships and how and where to use them together.

3. Clean Code– By Robert C. Martin

Read this book It is essential to become a good programmer in any programming language, since it tells the programming fundamentals for beginners. The work is divided into three parts. The first describes the principles, patterns and practices for creating clean code. The second includes several case studies whose difficulty increases and the third part of the book contains a list of heuristics and symptoms of bad code (smells).

Besides, presents agile techniques and methodologies to clean code on the fly and build it correctly. Practical examples can help you learn the main concepts of information technology. Although it is true that if you program with Java it will be even more useful, since all the examples are written in Java.

4. 500 lines or less: Experienced programmers solve interesting problems

This book focuses on the design decisions that programmers make when they are building something new. The programs that appear in the book were written from scratch for this purpose, where the programming fundamentals for beginners.

You can see how 26 programmers with extensive experience solve interesting problems. It is recommended that, before reading each chapter, you first think about how you could solve the problem. It is more educational than reading it from beginning to end.

5. don’t make me think – By Steve Krug

The book addresses the basic principles of UX (user experience), with examples and fundamental principles to make an intuitive website. It is especially aimed at all those designers who create a website from scratch.

It’s a short book so you have no excuse. It uses clear concepts and very direct messages to reach the target audience interested in usability in different sections. It focuses on guiding principles, things you need to be clear about, things you absolutely have to get right, and big concerns and external influences. In short, this is a book that sets the limit on what is truly practical in usability and accessibility.

6. Introduction to algorithms– By Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford

Mastering algorithm concepts is essential to solve any programming problem efficiently and optimally. This book can help you learn about a wide range of algorithms along with other related concepts in detail and is the basis for programming fundamentals for beginners.

One of the strengths of the manual is that all explanations are laid out in an easy-to-understand way and the algorithms are written in pseudocode rather than any specific programming language. This feature especially benefits those who are relatively new to programming.

7. Complete Code: A Practical Software Building Manual– By Steve McConnell

The book is considered one of the best practical programming guides. If you want to know how to write robust code regardless of the architecture of a programming language, This manual covers all aspects of good code structure.

Complete code has no shortage of code examples that thoroughly illustrate the art and science behind software development. You will learn to maximize your creativity, reduce errors and problems, set the debugging process, among other aspects.

8. Head First Design Patterns: A Guide for the Brain– By Eric Freeman, Bert Bates, Kathy Sierra, Elisabeth Robson

Head First books are known for their innovative way of breaking down complex topics into simpler, easier-to-understand units. Unlike other programming books, This book features a visually appealing, thought-provoking format..

Head First Design Patterns easily explains the various software design patterns used by software developers and programmers around the world to build elegant, fully functional, flexible and reusable software.

9. Soft Skills: the software developer’s life manual– By John Sonmez

This book goes off the path of previous programming books for beginners in that it does not address core programming concepts or methodologies. However, helps programmers perform well in their career path and understand how the programming.

The book covers several crucial aspects of the life of a professional programmer such as dealing with clients and managers, maintaining productivity, achieving financial security, health and fitness goals, among other aspects. In short, it provides you with a clear roadmap to enjoy programming as a profession.

10. The art of computer programming– By Donald E. Knuth

By far this recommendation is the heaviest and most complex of this list of programming books for beginners, since it is not just one book, but a series of 4 where we find the following: Volume 1: Fundamental algorithms; Volume 2: Semi-numeric algorithms; Volume 3: Sort and Search and Volume 4: Combinatorial Algorithms.

This series of programming books dives deep into the realm of computer algorithms and is not easily digestible for anyone who is an expert in the field. programming. The Art of Computer Programming has earned the honor of being a cult book for programmers who are always willing to push their limits of knowledge.

That’s it, the 10 programming books for beginners that we recommend to get you started in this exciting world. One of the main pieces of advice in this context is that you should not read these books quickly, but rather It is essential that you take as much time as you need to understand the concepts underlying this subject.

Keep learning to program

Now that you know programming books for beginners, it is time for you to start your academic training. offers you the Full Stack Jr. Bootcamp to Learn to Program from Scratch where you will solidly develop your profile as a professional programmer.

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